Pregnancy Nausea and the Role of GDF15
Pregnancy is a special journey, but it is sometimes marked by challenges such as morning sickness. In this article we will explain what pregnancy sickness is, discuss possible causes and explore recent findings regarding the hormone GDF15, which adds a new dimension to our understanding of this common symptom.
What is pregnancy sickness?
Zwangerschapsmisselijkheid, vaak bekend als ochtendmisselijkheid, is een frequent voorkomend verschijnsel dat zich manifesteert tijdens het first trimester van de zwangerschap. Het omvat gevoelens van misselijkheid en braken, die niet beperkt zijn tot de ochtend, ondanks de naam. Ook maagzuur komt vaak voor bij zwangerschapsmisselijkheid.
Causes of pregnancy sickness
While the hormone hCG has long been known as a contributing factor to morning sickness, recent research is taking a new look at morning sickness through a discovery surrounding the hormone GDF15. Growth Differentiation Factor 15 now appears to be associated with the severity of symptoms and this opens the door to new insights into the causes and treatments.
Hormonal research: the role of GDF15
Recent studies have shown that GDF15, which comes from the placenta, is increased in women with severe morning sickness. This hormone appears to be involved in regulating food intake and inducing nausea. Although further studies are needed to understand the exact mechanism, this discovery may provide new leads for future treatments.
Tips for reducing or relieving pregnancy nausea
- Varied meals: Divide your food intake throughout the day into small, balanced portions so as not to overload the stomach.
- Nutritious snacks: Choose light but nutritious snacks such as crackers, custard, or toast.
- Ginger as a natural remedy: Ginger tea is known for its anti-nausea effects and can provide relief.
- Hydration is crucial: Drinking small sips of water regularly helps prevent dehydration.
Medication for excessive morning sickness
For women with severe pregnancy sickness, medication may be necessary. Although midwives do not prescribe medication, a GP may recommend specific medications to relieve symptoms. It is important to seek medical attention if symptoms become excessive to avoid complications.
Embrace the unique journey
Pregnancy is an individual journey and every woman experiences it in her own way. Although morning sickness can be challenging, understanding hormonal changes offers new hope for more effective treatments. It is essential to be open to support and professional advice during this stage of life to make the journey as comfortable as possible.
In conclusion, morning sickness is a complex phenomenon and the recent discoveries regarding GDF15 open the door to new options for treating and understanding this common pregnancy symptom. Hopefully this article will help you get through the moments of pregnancy sickness. Please know that you can always contact us as midwives, even if you are having a hard time. Feel free to call or send a message, we are here for you.
Read more? View the article by NOS.