Midwives Lelystad


Extra free early ultrasound upon registration

During the course of your pregnancy there are several times when we perform ultrasounds to carefully monitor the health and development of your baby. Normally you get the first ultrasound at 10 weeks of pregnancy, but we can imagine that that is a long time to wait. Especially if you have been pregnant in the past and something went wrong, or if you suffer from bleeding, for example. With us, you will therefore immediately receive an early ultrasound scan between 6-7 weeks when you register, even if you have no bleeding. Normally, this early ultrasound is only reimbursed by your health insurer if you have blood loss or a history of miscarriage. However, we think it is important that everyone gets an early ultrasound without paying for it. That is why we reimburse your early ultrasound if you have no blood loss or have not had a miscarriage in the past. So you only have to register if you are pregnant and we will make the appointment for you at the ultrasound center. 

Vroege echo bij Verloskundigen Lelystad

Standard Echoes

Besides the early ones echo You will receive the following ultrasound scans as standard during your pregnancy:

  • Term echo: Approximately around the 10th week of your pregnancy we perform a term ultrasound to determine the expected date of birth. This date is essential for the further course of your pregnancy, including your maternity leave. Moreover, we confirm the number of babies.

  • 13-week ultrasound (optional): If you wish, you can have an ultrasound done around the 13th week to screen for physical abnormalities in your baby. Although the baby is still small, larger abnormalities can sometimes be made visible.

  • 20-week ultrasound (optional): The 20-week ultrasound, also known as the structural ultrasound examination (SEO), is performed around the 20th week and is reimbursed by your health insurance. This ultrasound examines organ development, growth and amount of amniotic fluid, and offers a reliable method for detecting serious congenital abnormalities.

Ultrasounds on Indication

In addition to the standard ultrasounds, there are situations in which additional ultrasounds may be necessary:

  • Growth echo: During pregnancy, a growth check can be performed to check whether your baby is developing as expected. We measure the head, abdominal circumference, leg length and assess the amount of amniotic fluid.
  • Location ultrasound: Around the 35th week we perform a position ultrasound if there are any doubts about the position of your baby. This is important to determine whether the baby is head down for a vaginal delivery. We also check the position of the placenta to ensure that it is not in front of the cervix.

Fun ultrasounds

In addition to medical ultrasounds, we also offer fun ultrasounds. These are extra moments to glimpse
catch your baby and share this special moment with your loved ones. There will be no fun ultrasounds
reimbursed by insurance. There are various fun ultrasounds with different prices:

  • Gender determination: Would you like to know whether you are having a boy or a girl? Then come by
    for gender determination. The ultrasound takes about 15 to 20 minutes and costs €45
  • An extra look: If you would like to take an extra look at your child, that is always fun. This echo
    can be made throughout your pregnancy. The ultrasound takes about 15 minutes
    in 2D (black and white) and costs €35
  • 3D/4D fun ultrasound: With this ultrasound you really get an idea of what your baby will look like. The
    ultrasound takes about 30 minutes, we view your baby in 2D, 3D and 4D, the costs are €90
  • Long 3D/4D fun ultrasound: Same as the 3D/4D ultrasound but now you can enjoy extra long
    your baby. The ultrasound takes approximately 45 minutes and costs €109

2D echo bij Verloskundigen Lelystad 3D echo bij Verloskundigen Lelystad

During the fun ultrasounds you can enjoy your baby in a cozy atmosphere. And do you like grandpas,
You can of course bring grandmothers, sisters or children, they are very welcome.

Make an appointment

The standard ultrasound scans are planned by our assistants during your pregnancy, as there are fixed times for this. However, would you like to schedule an interim fun ultrasound scan? Then make an appointment yourself via the website My fun ultrasound or choose one of ours pampering packages where you receive extra ultrasounds as standard.

Baby echo bij Verloskundigen Lelystad

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