Midwives Lelystad

Our vision

Personal care

At Midwives Lelystad everything revolves around a personal approach. We understand that every pregnancy is unique and that everyone has specific needs and wishes. Our goal is to create an environment where you feel comfortable sharing your wishes and concerns with us. We listen carefully and adapt our care to your specific situation. This personal approach is not only a core value, but also a commitment to you.

Dear fellow midwives

The practice owner also works as a midwife. In addition, there are others four fellow midwives all of whom you will meet at some point, so that you never see a stranger during the birth. Even though our practice is small-scale, we also have a backup of a fellow midwife during a shift in case we have a double birth. It is of course nice if you are helped as quickly as possible and do not have to wait.

Echo collaboration

We are in favor of short lines of communication between healthcare providers, so that information is communicated as clearly as possible and consultation is easily accessible. That is why you can contact us for medical ultrasounds and basic ultrasounds GOLD echo

Sobriety and humor

Pregnancy and childbirth are important events, but that does not mean that there is no room for common sense and humor. We believe that a laugh can be a powerful medicine and that down-to-earthness helps put things into perspective. This balance between professionalism and humanity is a crucial part of our personal approach.

Your decisions matter

We believe it is essential that you are well informed so that you can make informed decisions. It is our mission to provide you with all the necessary information, so that you can make autonomous decisions about your pregnancy, birth plan, delivery and postpartum period. Whether it's about nutritional advice, pain management options or the choice of delivery location, we are ready to provide you with all the information you need to make the best decisions for you and your partner.

Safety before everything

Safety is our top priority. As a midwife you have taken the Hippocratic oath, this is also the case for doctors. This means we are committed to following the latest medical guidelines and ensuring your safety and well-being throughout the entire care process.

Always available

You can call 24/7 for consultation or if you have any concerns. Do you want to share good news? Of course that is also possible! Whether it's the middle of the night and you're worried about colic in your newborn baby or you have questions about your pregnancy, no question is too crazy or unimportant. We view every pregnancy as a unique journey to parenthood, full of challenges, joy and sometimes doubts. It is an honor to guide you and be part of something so special in life. 

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