Midwives Lelystad

When do you call the midwife?

Belinstructies bevalling

For Emergencies: Always Available

As the exciting period of childbirth approaches, it is essential to know when to contact us. For deliveries and emergencies, we are available 24/7 via our mobile telephone number: 06 53 65 91 91. This number connects you directly to the person on duty. midwife at Midwives Lelystad. If you don't get direct contact, please try again later. Don't hesitate to call us in the middle of the night if you have any questions or concerns. 

When should you contact us?

In case of blood loss

During childbirth you may lose some mucus, sometimes with a small amount of blood. This is normal. However, if you think you are losing a lot of blood, similar to a period, contact us immediately, even at night.

Before 37 weeks of pregnancy and contractions

Call us immediately if you think contractions have started and you are not yet 37 weeks pregnant, as this is too early for a home birth. Don't wait, call us right away, even in the middle of the night!

Before 37 weeks of pregnancy and loss of small amounts of fluid

Call us immediately if you suspect your water has broken as it is too early. Don't wait, call us immediately, even in the middle of the night.

From 37 weeks of pregnancy and regular contractions

Contact us if you have regular contractions for 2 hours that come every 4 to 5 minutes and last about 1 minute.

If you have given birth before, we will discuss during your pregnancy checks when you should call us when contractions start. Generally, this is when you have regular contractions for 1 hour, 5-6 minutes apart. If your previous delivery was very quick, you can contact us earlier.

From 37 weeks of pregnancy and ruptured waters

If rupture of membranes is suspected, the color of the amniotic fluid is important:

  • Clear, white or light pink

    Call us during the day if you lose clear, white or light pink amniotic fluid. If this happens at night, you don't need to call us at night, just make a note of the time. Call us in the morning to let us know that your waters broke during the night.

  • Brown or green

    If the amniotic fluid is brown, green, or questionable in color, call us immediately, even at night. It is important to go to the hospital for an extra check of the baby. If the baby has pooped in the amniotic fluid, it could either mean that the baby is using all his/her intestines because the baby is ready to be born, but it could also mean that the baby is stressed and then it is important that the hospital provides extra control during the rest of the birth.

Head not descended and water broken

If the baby's head has not yet descended during the last check and your water breaks, it is very important to call us immediately, even in the middle of the night. Lie on the couch (downstairs) and avoid unnecessary stairs.

If you have any concerns or questions

Every birth is unique and can take unexpected turns. Don't hesitate to call us if you have any doubts, questions or just plain concerns. We are here to guide you and take away your concerns.

It is important to follow these calling instructions carefully to ensure that you receive the proper care. We are always available to support you.

For expectant fathers

Expectant fathers, we understand that the situation can be overwhelming at times. If you're unsure or unsure if it's the right time to call, don't hesitate. Your involvement is crucial and we are always ready to answer your questions and reassure you. It is better to call and discuss than to remain uncertain.

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