Midwives Lelystad

Zwanger worden met PCOS - Verloskundigen Lelystad

getting pregnant with PCOS – Midwives Lelystad

At Midwives Lelystad we understand that getting pregnant can sometimes be a challenging journey⁢, especially if you are dealing with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a common hormonal condition that can affect your fertility and mess up your menstrual cycle. Know that you are not alone: ​​many women suffer from this condition and often don't know where to start.

In this article we would like to provide you with useful tips and useful information to increase your chances of pregnancy. From lifestyle adjustments and nutritional advice to medical treatments and natural supplements, we discuss the different options to support you on your journey to motherhood. Let's tackle this challenge together and get closer to your dream step by step!

What is PCOS?

Verloskundigen Lelystad

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder in​ women.​ It is characterized by⁤ the presence of ⁢multiple small cysts in the ovaries, irregular menstrual cycles ⁣and an increased level of male hormones (androgens). This can result in symptoms such as weight gain, acne, excessive hair growth and difficulty conceiving. ‍At Midwives Lelystad we have a lot of experience in guiding women with PCOS.

Symptoms Details
Irregular menstruation Many women experience ⁤rare or no⁣ ovulation
Hormonal imbalances High levels of androgens
Weight gain Particularly around the abdominal area

Furthermore, the causes of PCOS can vary and are not yet fully understood. Some factors are genetic, while others are related to insulin resistance. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available that can help manage symptoms and promote fertility. These include medication, lifestyle changes and sometimes surgery. It is important that you understand that PCOS is treatable and that you are not alone. Together we at Midwives Lelystad take the first steps towards your desire to have children.

Normal hormone balance

With one, your hormones work together like a well-oiled machine Estrogen,⁤ progesterone and other hormones are in balance. ‍During your menstrual cycle, they ensure that your body is perfectly prepared for a possible pregnancy. ‍ Hormones that are important in this cycle include:

    • Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH): stimulates the growth of eggs in the ovaries.
    • Luteinizing Hormone (LH): causes ovulation.
    • Estrogen: builds up the uterine lining.
    • Progesterone: ⁢keeps the uterine lining intact.

When these processes run optimally, becoming pregnant is a lot easier. However, with PCOS there is often an imbalance, which can lead to problems. But do not worry! With the right approach and guidance you can achieve a healthy pregnancy. Bee Midwives​ Lelystad We strongly believe in customization and personal care. We ⁤offer:

    • Individual advice
    • Guidance by experienced professionals
    • Specific nutritional and exercise advice

Hormone balance in PCOS

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, affects the hormone balance in your body. This often has an impact on your menstrual cycle and fertility. With PCOS you may experience irregular or no ovulations at all. This can make it more difficult to get pregnant. Furthermore, levels of certain hormones, such as insulin and testosterone, may be elevated, causing your body to respond differently than normal.

    • Try to maintain a healthy weight. Weight plays a crucial role in hormone balance and can have a significant effect on your fertility.
    • Use supplements and medication. Discuss with your midwife or doctor which supplements, such as inositol, may be useful for you. Medication such as clomiphene can also help stimulate ovulation.
    • Follow an insulin resistance diet. A diet low in sugar and refined carbohydrates, but high in fiber, can help you balance your insulin levels.
Hormone Effect
Testosterone Increased hair growth, acne
Insulin Weight gain, sugar cravings

Despite the challenges of PCOS, there are still ways to increase your chances of pregnancy. It is incredibly important that you take good care of yourself: sufficient sleep, stress reduction and avoidance smoking and excessive alcohol consumption‍ can have positive effects. It is always wise to work regularly with your midwife to draw up an individual plan. This increases the chance of a successful and healthy pregnancy.

Causes of PCOS

When understanding the causes of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), we encounter a complex mix of factors. ⁤The ‌genetic component‍ plays an important role; If you have a mother or sister with PCOS, you have a higher chance of having it yourself. In addition, a disruption in the hormone balance can contribute to the development of PCOS. This includes elevated levels of androgens, often referred to as male hormones, which can lead to excessive hair growth, acne and irregular menstrual cycles.
In addition to genetic factors, environmental factors can also play a role. For example, lifestyle and nutrition have an influence. Women with PCOS are more likely to have insulin resistance, which can lead to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. This insulin resistance can even lead to type 2 diabetes. It is also known that chronic stress and... lack of sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, which can worsen PCOS symptoms. For these reasons, it is important to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few tips that may help:

  • Follow a balanced diet with a low glycemic index.
  • Get plenty of exercise.
  • Limit the consumption of processed foods.
Factor Impact
Genetics Increased risk
Hormones Irregular cycles
Lifestyle Impressionable
Stress Disturbed balance

Diagnosis PCOS

Various techniques are available to detect Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. First of all, one can ultrasound provide clarity by confirming the presence of many small ovarian cysts. ​In addition, the hormone levels ⁣often tested, as women with this condition often have elevated levels of male hormones. Diagnosing is not always easy, but this process helps enormously in obtaining a better picture of your health. Our midwives at Midwives Lelystad can support you with this. We often use various ‍diagnostic tests, such as:

    • Blood test: to detect hormonal irregularities.
    • Ultrasound: for a detailed overview of your ovaries.
    • Medical conversation: to map your symptoms and medical history.
Diagnostic Method Goal
Blood tests Checking hormone levels
Ultrasound Imaging⁤ the ovaries
Medical conversation Discussing symptoms

PCOS and getting pregnant

Having PCOS can pose an additional challenge when becoming pregnant. However, this absolutely does not mean that it is impossible. Important steps you can take are: healthy food, regular exercise and sufficient rest. In addition, it is essential to keep a close eye on your cycle. This makes it easier for you to... fertile days determine. At Midwives Lelystad we advise you to talk to a specialist. This person can look at your specific situation and provide specific advice. Moreover, it may be useful to know certain things nutritional supplements to consider. Consider, for example inositol and omega-3⁢ fatty acids. Both have shown positive effects in women with PCOS. Next door you can stress management and maintaining a healthy body and mind should not be underestimated. Consider meditation or yoga to manage your stress levels. We've made a brief overview of supplements and their benefits:

Supplement Advantages
Inositol Improved insulin sensitivity
Omega-3 Anti-inflammatory
Vitamin D Better immune system

To fall off

When aiming for weight loss, it is crucial to follow a healthy and balanced diet. Especially for women with PCOS lowering insulin levels is essential. This can be done, for example, by limiting the intake of carbohydrates and choosing food with a low glycemic index. It is also useful to eat small meals regularly instead of three large meals per day. This helps to keep blood sugar levels and insulin production stable.

    • Eat more fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
    • Limit the intake of sugars and unhealthy fats.
    • Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.

In addition to a healthy diet, regular exercise can have a positive impact on weight loss and hormonal balance. It is recommended to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. This can vary from a brisk walk to an intensive cardio workout. Additionally, yoga and pilates can be very helpful‍ to reduce stress‍ and improve flexibility. As shown by various studies, stress can have a negative impact on hormonal balance and fertility.

Diet Tips Advantages
Low-carb food Stable blood sugar levels
Fiber-rich food Improved digestion
Drink enough water Optimal metabolism

Tablets (clomiphene citrate)

Afbeelding van Clomifeencitraat - Verloskundigen Lelystad

With PCOS the use of clomiphene citrate, an ovulation inducer, help to stimulate ovulation. This medication is often prescribed to women who have difficulty ovulating. It is important to know that you usually take these tablets on specific days of your menstrual cycle, often around days 3 to 7. Although this drug can be effective for many women, it is not without side effects. Think of hot flashes, nausea or feelings of dizziness. That is why it is crucial to regularly consult with your midwife or doctor during this treatment. In addition to the use of medication, there are other practical tips that can support you:

    • Healthy Diet: Provide a diet rich in fiber and protein and avoid excessive sugar intake.
    • Movement: Regular exercise can help keep your hormones in balance.
    • Stress management: Consider⁣ yoga or mindfulness⁤ to reduce stress.
Day of ‌cycle Dose⁢ clomiphene citrate
Day 3-7 50 mg
Day 3-7 (if necessary) 100 mg

This way you create a holistic approach to increase the chance of pregnancy. Prepare well and don't forget to keep your midwife informed about your progress and any side effects!

Injections (gonadotropin)

When dealing with PCOS, injecting gonadotropins can be an effective way to stimulate ovulation. Gonadotrophins are injectable hormones that stimulate the ovaries to mature and release eggs. This treatment method is often a next step if clomiphene therapy has proven to be ineffective. By regularly monitoring your blood values ​​and ovaries via ultrasound, doctors can tailor the dosage to your body, which increases the chance of a successful pregnancy.

There are several types of gonadotropins available. ⁣Here's an overview of some ‌commonly used⁣ types:

    • LH (Luteinizing hormone): Promotes ovulation and the release of the mature egg.
    • HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): Often used to trigger ovulation.

The procedure can seem a bit intimidating, but with the right guidance⁢ the process becomes less stressful.‍ Here are some tips to make it easier:

    • Follow your doctor's instructions carefully about how and when to administer the injections.
    • Use a fixed time for the injection so that you do not forget.
    • Become familiar with the technique by practicing with a nurse or through online tutorials.
    • Remember your goal: having a healthy pregnancy!

Below you will find a brief overview of the treatment procedure and associated resources:

Step Tool
1.Consultation Medical supervision
2. Injections Gonadotrophins
3. Monitoring Ultrasound and blood tests
4. Ovulation trigger HCG injection
5. Pregnancy test Urine or blood test

Keyhole surgery (LEO)

Kijkoperatie PCOS - Verloskundigen Lelystad

For many women with PCOS, keyhole surgery, also called laparoscopic ovarian electrocoagulation (LEO), may be an option to improve fertility. During this procedure, small holes are burned in the ovaries to reduce the production of male hormones. Although this sounds technical, it can have a significant impact on your chances of becoming pregnant. Advantages of keyhole surgery include:

    • Increased chance of ovulation
    • Improved hormone balance
    • Possibly less need for medication

⁢ However, ⁤as with any ⁤medical procedure, there are risks that should be discussed with your healthcare provider.⁤ Consider:

    • Infections or complications
    • Results not guaranteed
    • Recovery period after surgery
Advantages Cons
Improved fertility Risk of infection
Less medication Uncertainty of result
Better hormone balance Recovery period


​ is a commonly used medication in women with PCOS who are trying to become pregnant. It helps reduce insulin resistance, which is a common problem with PCOS. This⁣ can make your menstrual cycle more regular, which is essential for planning a pregnancy. In addition, it promotes ovulation, provides more control and increases the chance of success. While many women benefit from this medication, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting. Like this make sure it is safe and effective for your situation.

Benefits of:

    • *Less insulin resistance*
    • *More regular menstrual cycle*
    • *Better ovulation*

⁤ Unfortunately, it⁤ also has some side effects such as stomach problems and fatigue. ⁢But, this usually does not outweigh the benefits.⁢Always discuss with your doctor or midwife how you can best prepare. All in allThis medicine can be an effective way to get one step closer to your desire to have children.

Advantages Side effects
Improved insulin sensitivity Stomach problems
More regular menstruation Fatigue


Verloskundigen Lelystad - IVF (In Vitro Fertilisatie)

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a common fertility treatment for women with PCOS. With this technique, eggs are removed from the ovaries and fertilized with sperm cells in a laboratory. ‍Then one or more of the fertilized eggs are placed in the uterus. Although often successful, it can also be an emotionally and physically challenging process. To make the process as smooth as possible, there are some tips that can help:

    • Take care of yourself: A healthy diet and adequate rest are crucial.
    • Talk to others: Seek support from a partner, friends, or a counselor.
    • Stay positive: Although the journey may be tough at times, remember that many have achieved success before you.

In addition, there are some useful tips to increase the chance of success:

Tip Description
Healthy food A balanced diet can promote fertility.
Regular check-ups Keep in regular contact with your doctor for the best care.
Mindfulness Stress reduction⁤ can have positive effects on the process.

It's important to remain hopeful and allow yourself to express emotions during the process. Always know that Midwives Lelystad is there to support you.

Other ‍PCOS Symptoms and Treatment

Some symptoms of PCOS often go beyond irregular menstrual cycles and fertility problems. You can suffer from weight gain, excessive hair growth (hirsutism) and even acne. Furthermore, women with PCOS can hair loss ⁤experienced, similar⁤ to male pattern baldness. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat these additional symptoms. First of all, ⁢a balanced diet and regular exercise can help manage weight, which in turn can reduce the symptoms of PCOS. In addition, medication such as metformin help to improve insulin sensitivity and promote weight loss.

Treatments vary widely depending on the specific symptoms and their severity. In many cases, hormonal therapy, such as⁤ birth control pills, can help regulate hormonal fluctuations. For hirsutism and acne, ⁤alternative medications, such as‌ anti-androgens, be useful ⁢. Also consider regular consultations with your healthcare provider to evaluate which treatments are most effective for you. Below you will find an overview of some treatment options:

    • Diet and⁤ Exercise: Lifestyle changes that are often recommended.
    • Metformin: Medication that helps with insulin sensitivity.
    • Hormonal Therapy: For ‌regulating‍the menstrual cycle⁣ and reducing⁣ symptoms.
    • Anti-Androgens: ​ For the treatment of hirsutism and acne.
    • Regular Medical Consultation: Essential for personal adjustments in the treatment.
Symptom Therapy
Weight gain Diet + Exercise
Hirsutism Anti-androgens
Irregular cycles Hormonal Therapy

Excess hair

Many women⁢ with PCOS experience . This can occur in unwanted places such as the face, chest, and even the back. can have a major impact on your self-image and self-confidence. That's why it's important to know that there are multiple ways to deal with this. Although it is an annoying symptom, there are several options to manage it. These can range from professional treatments to self-care techniques.

    • Laser hair removal: This is a popular option because it offers long-term results.
    • Epilation and waxing: For temporary hair removal.
    • Medical treatment: Some medications can reduce hair growth.
    • Natural Remedies: Consider herbs such as spearmint tea, which can help regulate hormones.

Plus, there are lifestyle changes you can consider. Weight loss can, for example, improve hormone balance and thus reduce the symptoms of PCOS, including . A healthy diet and regular exercise can contribute significantly to this. Finally, it is good to know that you are not alone; talk to your midwife or doctor. They can provide advice⁢ and⁤ work with you‍ to make a plan to deal with the symptoms.


One of the less discussed symptoms of PCOS during pregnancy is the increase in . Hormone fluctuations can make your skin more sensitive pimples and impurities. Although this can be uncomfortable, there are some tips you can follow to keep your skin healthy. Try one mild cleanser to use that does not dry out your skin. ⁢It's also important to avoid products that contain oil, as they can clog your pores. Here are some practical tips to take better care of your skin:

    • Always use a gentle, non-abrasive exfoliant.
    • Stay out of the sun and use sunscreen that does not clog pores.
    • Eat foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries and green vegetables.
    • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.
    • Avoid stress as much as possible, for example yoga or practice meditation.

Furthermore, if you notice that despite your efforts you are not improving, a visit to a dermatologist cannot hurt. A professional can provide more specific advice that suits your skin type and problems. Below you will find ⁤some products ⁣that are often effective against ⁣pregnancy:

Product Advantages
Salicylic Acid Cleanser Cleans deeply without drying out the skin
Tea Tree Oil Serum Reduces inflammation and redness
Niacinamide Lotion Regulates sebum production

Irregular menstrual cycle

One of the most common symptoms of PCOS is‍ a . This can be frustrating when you're trying to get pregnant because you ovulate less often. ⁢Fortunately, there are some strategies that can help you regulate your menstrual cycle. First, make sure you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Losing weight, even just a few pounds, can help reduce the effects of PCOS and make your cycle more regular. Also consider supplements such as inositol, which have been shown to improve hormonal balance.

In addition, it may be helpful to explore both natural and medical treatment options. Clomid and Letrozole are medications commonly prescribed to stimulate ovulation. Consult with your midwife which option suits you best. Know that you are not alone in struggling with this and that there is more and more research and support available. Here are some recommendations:

  • Get enough sleep: Regular sleep helps restore your hormonal balance.
  • Avoid stress: Try yoga or meditation to lower your stress levels.
  • Use an ovulation test: This can help you determine when you are most fertile.

Additionally, don't forget that communicating with your healthcare provider is essential. They can help you with personalized advice and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist. For an overview of commonly used medications and their side effects, see the table below.

Medicine Function Possible side effects
Clomid Stimulates ovulation Mood swings, headache
Letrozole Helps with ovulation Nausea, fatigue


can significantly impact your fertility, especially if you have PCOS. It can disrupt the hormonal balance in your body, making it even more difficult to get pregnant. It is therefore important to pay attention to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Nutritional advice that we often give includes:

    • Limiting sugary foods
    • Eating enough fiber
    • Add healthy fats, such as avocado and nuts

In addition, regular exercise also plays a crucial role. This does not have to be intensive; a daily walk or yoga a few times a week can make a big difference. A healthy one BMI achievement can significantly increase your chances of success. Our experience has shown that women who strive for a healthy weight often see results faster. That is why we always provide tailor-made advice so that you can achieve your goals more easily.

Weight category Improves fertility Sustainability
Underweight 72%
Healthy weight ✔️ 85%
Obesity 50%


When you have PCOS, the risk of diabetes is unfortunately higher. This can be extremely painful and frustrating, especially if you're just starting to feel hopeful about your pregnancy. Certain factors can increase the risk of ⁢ ⁤. For example, an irregular cycle can ensure that the uterine wall is not optimally prepared for the implantation of an embryo. In addition, hormonal imbalances can play a role. That is why it is important to maintain regular contact with your midwife and discuss any problems immediately.

Fortunately, there are some strategies you can follow to reduce the risk. For example, consider one healthy diet and avoiding stress. Here are some suggestions that may help you:

    • Eat nutritious meals that are rich in folic acid
    • Exercise regularly, such as daily walks
    • Get enough sleep at regular times

In addition, it may be useful to undergo regular medical check-ups during your pregnancy to identify possible complications at an early stage. Remember, help is always available and you are not alone.

Mood disorders such as depression

Verloskundigen Lelystad - postnatale depressie

May occur more often in women with PCOS Hormone imbalance and insulin resistance can affect your mood during pregnancy. In addition, external factors such as the stress of trying to conceive, financial concerns and relationship problems can play a role. It is crucial to take good care of yourself and... professional help to look for if you notice signs of depression. This can range from conversations with a psychologist to support groups where you can share experiences.

To support your mental health, we recommend considering the following strategies:

    • Regular exercise ⁢such as walking or yoga
    • Healthy food with attention to balanced meals
    • Meditation and mindfulness exercises
    • Open communication with your partner and family

These measures can help stabilize your mood and promote your emotional well-being. Remember that you are not alone; many women in the same situation have benefited from this approach. This way you can experience a healthy and happy pregnancy despite the challenges of PCOS.


Thank you for reading our article “Getting Pregnant with PCOS: Tips and Useful Information”. We hope that you now have a better idea of ​​the challenges and possibilities surrounding becoming pregnant with PCOS. Remember: every woman is unique and what works for one person may not have the same effect for another.

At Midwives Lelystad we are always ready to support and advise you, regardless of your situation. Do you have any questions or would you like personal advice? Then don't hesitate to contact us. Our warm and expert team is happy to help you on your way to a healthy and happy pregnancy journey. Together we will get there!

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