Midwives Lelystad

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What is Amenorrhea? Midwives Lelystad

What exactly is amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is a medical term used to describe the absence of menstrual cycles. If you, as a woman, do not have your period for three or more months in a row, we call it amenorrhea. This can have several causes. Sometimes it's a sign of an underlying health problem, such as a hormonal imbalance or thyroid problems. Moreover, it can also occur as a result of stress, extreme weight loss or a strong weight gain.

There are different types of amenorrhea:

    • Primary amenorrhea: This means that a girl aged 16 years or older has never had a period.
    • Secondary amenorrhea: This refers to women who previously had normal menstrual cycles but who have now not had a period for three months or more.

Below is an overview of possible causes and symptoms:

Causes Symptoms
Hormonal ‍imbalance Irregular or absent menstruation
Thyroid problems Fatigue, weight gain
Stress Sleep problems, anxiety

Common causes of missed periods

Absence of menstruation, also called amenorrhea, can have various causes. Stress ⁣is one of the most common reasons. When you're stressed, your body produces the hormone cortisol, which can disrupt your natural menstrual cycle. For example, your period may come later or not occur completely.

Apart from stress, there are other common causes. Here are some examples that occur in ⁤many women:

    • Hormone changes – for example during puberty or menopause.
    • Weight changes – both weight loss and weight gain can affect your cycle.
    • Health conditions – ​diseases ⁤such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) or thyroid problems.
    • Medication use –‍some medications, such as antidepressants, have an impact on your menstrual cycle.
Cause Effect on the Cycle
Stress Delayed or absent menstruation
Weight changes Irregular menstruation

How ⁢stress⁣ and ⁤lifestyle ⁤affect ⁤your‌ cycle

When stress and lifestyle play an important role in your life, this can have a significant impact on your menstrual cycle. Stress ‍ can lead to⁣ changes in hormone balance, which can disrupt the natural rhythm of your cycle. This⁣ may⁣result‍in⁣ ovulation disorders and ‌stress‌induced amenorrhea, ‍where you ⁢completely miss your period. In addition, there are also other lifestyle factors that can influence your cycle, such as extreme dieting or excessive exercise. The body perceives these situations as stressful, which can lead to similar hormonal disruptions. ⁣

Other lifestyle factors that play a role:

    • Irregular eating patterns: Inadequate calorie intake or fasting can affect your hormonal balance.
    • Body weight: Both excessive weight gain and weight loss can disrupt your menstrual cycle.
    • Sleep deprivation: A lack of enough sleep can throw your hormones out of balance.

If your life is full of stress and bad habits, it's not surprising that your menstrual cycle becomes irregular. Adjusting your lifestyle can help enormously to regulate your cycle and prevent amenorrhea.

Factor Effect on Cycle
Stress Ovulation disorders
Diet Hormone disruptions
Sleep deprivation Irregular cycles

When to go to the doctor for amenorrhea

A visit to the doctor may be necessary if you are dealing with amenorrhea. Amenorrhea, or the absence of menstruation, can be caused by several factors. It is important to recognize when it is wise to seek medical attention. First of all, if you have been pregnant for three consecutive cycles or If you have not had a period for longer, it is advisable to make an appointment with your GP or midwife. This may indicate underlying health problems that require further investigation.

    • Sudden⁢ weight loss or ⁣ excessive⁢ stress
    • A ⁤ history of hormonal imbalance
    • Pain in the lower abdomen or⁣ other⁣ unusual symptoms

Also seek medical attention if you have symptoms that indicate health problems such as hot flushes, night sweats, or unexplained weight gain. ⁤A ⁢doctor can perform ‌several⁢ tests, ⁤such as blood tests or an ultrasound, to determine the cause of your‍amenorrhea.

Symptom When to go to the doctor
No periods‍ for 3+ months Straight away
Severe abdominal pain Immediately
Unexplained weight gain Fast

Practical tips to improve your menstrual cycle

⁤If you suffer from amenorrhea, there are some practical tips that can help you improve your menstrual cycle. First of all, ensure a healthy diet, because nutrients play a major role in the regulation of hormones. ⁣Avoid‍stress as much as possible⁣ and ensure⁣ enough sleep. ⁢You can also try incorporating regular exercise into your routine, such as yoga or moderate cardio. These activities help reduce stress and encourage a regular cycle. it is advisable to keep an ovulation calendar. This allows you to identify patterns and deviations in your cycle. Also consider using supplements, ⁤such as vitamin D and magnesium, which are known for their positive effect on the menstrual cycle. In addition, it can be useful to... spices such as Vitex Agnus Castus, which can help with hormonal balance. Always consult your midwife first before adding new supplements to your daily routine. 

Tip Action
Power supply Healthy and varied food
Stress management Relaxation exercises, meditation
Exercise Yoga, walking, ⁣moderate cardio
Supplements Vitamin D, magnesium


If you have read this far, then you now know a lot more about amenorrhea and why your periods can be missed. It is important to realize that there can be many different causes, from hormonal imbalance to stress and medical conditions. Our mission at Midwives Lelystad is to properly inform and guide you so that you receive the best care and attention you deserve.

Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment to discuss your situation? We are ready for you! Please feel free to contact us so that we can look together at the best solutions and what next steps you can take.

Remember to take good care of yourself and listen to your body. See you soon at ⁤Midwives Lelystad!

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