Midwives Lelystad

Foliumzuur slikken Verloskundigen Lelystad

Why folic acid is important

During this special period, there are many questions and uncertainties that will come your way. One of the most important topics that many parents-to-be have to deal with is the need for folic acid. Why is it so important to take folic acid during pregnancy? ⁤In this article we explain to you in a clear and accessible way what folic acid is, why it is essential for the development of your baby and how you ensure that you get the right amount. Let's take the first step towards a healthy start for your little one together!

What is folic acid?

Wat is foliumzuur? Verloskundigen Lelystad

Folic acid ​ is a synthetic ‌form⁣ of‌ vitamin B11,‌ also⁢ known as folate. This essential vitamin plays a crucial role in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, both of which are essential for cell growth and division. During pregnancy, these processes are vital for the development of your baby. Because your body cannot produce enough of this vitamin, supplementation is often necessary. In addition, folic acid helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in your baby, such as spina bifida.

There are a number of benefits associated with taking this vitamin during your pregnancy:

    • Healthy brain development: Promotes the growth and maturation of the baby's brain and nervous system.
    • Prevention of birth defects:⁣ Reduces the risk of serious congenital defects⁢ such as cleft lip and heart defects.
    • Support the production of red blood cells: ⁤Helps in the production‍of‌sufficient red blood cells and prevents⁢anemia in the mother.

To give you a better overview, we have created a small table with the recommended daily amount of folic acid:

Recommended dose For pregnant women
Before Conception 400 mcg/day
During the pregnancy 600 mcg/day

What does folic acid contain?

Waar zit foliumzuur in? Verloskundigen Lelystad

Folic acid is an essential vitamin that your body needs for, among other things, the growth and development of your baby. It is naturally found in various foods. ⁣ Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, contain a high concentration of folic acid. Also citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons are good sources. ⁣When you include these foods in your diet daily, you ensure that you get enough folic acid.

Would you like more variety in your diet? Then try the following options:

    • Whole-wheat products: Whole wheat bread and pasta are rich in nutrients.
    • Legumes: Beans, lentils and chickpeas also contain a fair amount of folic acid.
    • Nuts and seeds: For example sunflower seeds and almonds.

Below you will find a handy overview of foods and their folic acid content:

Foodstuff Folic acid (mcg per 100g)
Spinach 194
Kale 141
Lentils 181
Avocado 81

Extra folic acid during your pregnancy

During pregnancy extra folic acid essential for your baby's healthy development. This important B vitamin helps form the neural tube, which eventually develops into your baby's brain and spinal cord. Taking folic acid daily reduces the risk of neural tube defects. such as‍ spina bifida, significantly.

There are several reasons why folic acid supplementation is recommended during your pregnancy:

    • Prevents congenital defects: Folic acid plays a crucial role in preventing serious birth defects.
    • Supports growth: It promotes the growth and development of your baby in the very earliest phase.
    • Strengthens your immune system: It helps make your body stronger during this special period.

Always consult your midwife for the correct advice on dosage and use. At Midwives Lelystad we are always ready to help you with personal advice and guidance.

When to start and stop taking folic acid?

Folic acid is an essential supplement that helps your baby grow healthily. Start immediately ⁤ as soon as you plan to get pregnant, preferably at least four weeks before conception. ⁢ This gives your body enough time to build up a good supply of folic acid. It is especially important during ⁢ pregnancy first trimester of your pregnancy, because this is a crucial period for the development of your baby's neural tube, which will eventually become the brain and spinal cord.

You usually stop taking folic acid around the twelfth week of your pregnancy. Why?‌ Then⁤ your baby's neural tube is completely closed and the most important development for which folic acid is essential is completed. However, you would still prefer to continue taking a multivitamin containing folic acid during pregnancy. , then consult with your midwife. This way you have the certainty that you are not lacking any important nutrients.

What can happen if you have a deficiency?

A lack of folic acid during pregnancy can have serious consequences for both the mother and the child. One of the biggest risks is the development of neural tube defects in the baby, such as spina bifida, where the baby's spine does not close properly. Moreover, a deficiency of this essential vitamin can lead to premature births, low birth weight and even miscarriages. ⁣Mothers may also experience symptoms⁢ such as fatigue, dizziness‌ and irritability.

    • Neural tube defects: Improper closure of the baby's vertebra.
    • Low‍ birth weight: Babies⁢ born weighing less than 2500 grams.

Moreover, studies show that a deficiency of folic acid can even contribute to the development of autism spectrum disorders. This makes taking folic acid supplements from the beginning of pregnancy crucial. However, do not forget that it is always useful to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, rich in green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and whole grain products. Here is a small table with recommendations:

Foodstuff Folic acid content
Spinach 194 mcg per cup
Broccoli 104 mcg ⁢per cup
Orange juice 74‌ mcg per cup

How much extra folic acid do you need?

It is not only important to take folic acid, but also to get the right amount. Sequence is crucial here! During your pregnancy you need more folic acid than usual. The recommended amount is 400 to 500 micrograms (mcg) per day. You can often find this in a well-balanced prenatal vitamin. ⁣However, some women may even require a higher dose, such as 800 mcg per day, depending on their specific health needs. You can always count on the personal advice of your midwife at Verloskundigen⁤ Lelystad.

However, it is not just a matter of quantities. Timing is also essential. ⁣Ideally you start four weeks ​ before ‌fertilization with​ the intake of⁢ folic acid and ⁢continue this at least until‌ the ‍ tenth week of your pregnancy. This ensures that your baby gets enough folic acid to prevent neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. Here is ⁤a short list‌ of benefits of folic acid during pregnancy:

    • Supports the development of your baby's brain and spinal cord.
    • Reduces the risk of birth defects.
    • Helps with the production of red blood cells.

Below is a quick overview:

Recommended folic acid intakes Amounts (mcg)
Standard⁢ Pregnancy 400-500 mcg
Special ⁢Health Needs 800mcg

6 important steps in taking folic acid

Taking folic acid during pregnancy can make a big difference to your baby's health. At Lelystad Midwives we always recommend a number of important steps to ensure that you take these vitamins in the best way. If you follow these steps, you will immediately give your little one a good start.

Step 1: Start early

Start taking folic acid before you become pregnant, if you plan to do so. However, most women start as soon as they know they are pregnant. Folic acid helps prevent congenital defects such as spina bifida.

Step ⁤2: The correct dosage

Take the recommended daily amount of 400 micrograms. Always consult your midwife or GP for the correct dosage.

Step 3: Combine ⁣with food

Nutrients are often better absorbed in combination with the right diet. ‍Eat more dark green leafy vegetables, whole grain products and citrus fruits.

Step 4: Regularity

Take your folic acid at the same time every day. Regularity ensures that you don't forget.

Step 5: Store properly

Make sure you store your vitamins in a dry, cool place. Heat⁢ and light can reduce the effectiveness of folic acid.

Step 6:⁤ Follow ‍professional advice

Always consult your midwife to check whether you are taking the correct supplements. Sometimes extra vitamins are recommended depending on your personal health situation.

Step Action
Start early Start before you are pregnant or immediately when you know you are pregnant
Correct dosage 400 micrograms per day
Combine with food Add dark green vegetables, whole grain products and citrus
Regularity Take it at the same time every day
Store well Store in a dry, cool place
Professional⁢ advice Consult your midwife

Buy folic acid⁤

At Midwives Lelystad we recommend ⁢during ⁣your pregnancy folic acid to swallow. It is indispensable for the development of your baby's brain and spinal cord. This significantly reduces the risk of congenital abnormalities such as spina bifida or cleft lip. Folic acid also supports healthy growth and development of the placenta, which is essential for your little one's nutrition.

Some foods naturally contain folic acid, such as green leafy vegetables and whole grain products. However, this is often not sufficient. That is why taking a supplement is absolutely recommended. Consider the following benefits:

    • Peace of mind: You are sure that you are getting the right amount.
    • Protection: It⁤ supports⁣ both your health and that of your baby.
    • Simplicity: One tablet per day is often enough.
Supplement Quantity Why
Folic acid 400‍mcg Essential for development
Iron 30 mg Prevents anemia
Calcium 1000 mg Bone building


Taking folic acid during your pregnancy is not an unnecessary luxury, but a necessary step for the healthy development of your child. At Midwives Lelystad we want to ensure that your pregnancy runs as smoothly and pleasantly as possible. So don't hesitate and make sure you get this essential vitamin on time. Do you have any questions or would you like more tailor-made advice? ⁢Feel free to contact us, we are always there for you!

Midwives Lelystad

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