Midwives Lelystad

Overtijd en niet zwanger - Verloskundigen Lelystad

Too late and not pregnant? Midwives Lelystad

Are you late and still not pregnant? That can be quite frustrating. Whether you've been trying for a while or just started, it can make your heart beat faster if you don't succeed right away. At Midwives Lelystad we understand how important it is for you desire to have children to become reality. Fortunately, there are many possible causes and solutions for the failure to conceive. In this article we take you through some common reasons why it hasn't worked yet and give you some practical tips and advice. Let's discover together what could be going on and, above all, what you can do to fulfill your wish.

Overdue, but not pregnant

Verloskundigen Lelystad - Overtijd,⁤ maar niet zwanger

If your period doesn't come on time, but you're sure you're not pregnant, it can be quite worrying. However, there are several possible causes. One of them is hormonal imbalance. This can be causes such as stress, drastic changes in your weight, or certain medical conditions‍ such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Another common factor is medication. Certain medications, such as antidepressants or corticosteroids, can disrupt your cycle.

Additionally, changes in your lifestyle can also have an impact. Excessive to play sports, irregular sleep or even relocation moving to a new environment can influence the cycle. Your diet can also play a role. A lack of nutrients or excessive consumption of certain foods can affect your hormonal balance. In summary, these are some factors that can have an influence:

    • Hormonal imbalance
    • Medication
    • Lifestyle changes
    • Diet
Factor Impact
Stress Can delay menstruation
PCOS Disrupts ⁢hormonal balance
To play sports Excessive⁢exertion can affect cycle

Causes for not having your period and not being pregnant

Sometimes your period doesn't come even though you know for sure that you are not pregnant. This can have several causes. A common reason is stress.‍ Stress can disrupt your hormone balance and cause your cycle to become irregular. Hormone disorders such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) can also play a role. In addition, you can changes in weightBoth gaining and losing weight influence your cycle.

Other possible causes of a late menstrual period are ‌ chronic diseases, such as diabetes or celiac disease, which can affect your overall health and menstrual cycle. A fluctuating thyroid hormone can also lead to problems with your period. Even using new ones medication can cause a reaction in your body that affects your cycle.

Cause Description
Stress Disrupts the hormone balance
Weight changes Range of BMI can have an influence
Medication Side effects can affect your cycle
    • Hormone disorders: PCOS, thyroid problems
    • Chronic diseases: Diabetes, Celiac disease

Hormonal fluctuations

Verloskundigen Lelystad - Hormonale schommelingen

Hormonal changes can have a significant impact on your menstrual cycle. Have you noticed that your period is late, but you are not pregnant? This may be due to fluctuations in your hormone levels. Factors such as stress, weight gain or loss and even the use of certain medications ⁣can throw your hormones out of balance. That's why it's important to pay attention to your lifestyle and any changes⁤ in your routine. However, not all hormonal changes are negative. Sometimes they are a sign of major changes in your body. Not sure what's going on? Keeping track of your symptoms can help you gain insight. Here are some possible causes of ‍:

    • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): This is a condition that affects hormones and can cause irregular periods.
    • Perimenopause: This is the transition period to menopause, which is accompanied by hormonal shifts.
    • Thyroid disorders: Thyroid problems can disrupt your cycle.

If you think this may be the cause, it is advisable to make an appointment with one of our midwives. We will work with you to investigate what could be wrong and what steps you can take to restore your hormone balance.


Verloskundigen Lelystad - Stress

has enormous ⁢influence on our daily lives and yes, it can certainly have an effect on ‌your‍ menstrual cycle. The body responds to various hormonal changes that can disrupt your monthly cycle. This means that your period may come later than expected, which can be quite worrying. Moreover, if you want to have children, is also possible influence your fertility. Therefore, try techniques such as meditation, yoga or a long walk in nature to lower your levels.

    • Healthy food
    • Enough sleep
    • Regular exercise

Of course, while these methods can help, it is important to know that everyone reacts differently to . Some people experience an immediate change⁤ in their cycle, while others may not notice a difference. Despite, your health should always be a priority. If you think your cycle is disrupted, consider seeking help from a professional. Here at Midwives Lelystad we are always available to support and guide you.

Symptom Cause
Delayed menstruation hormones
Difficulty getting pregnant Increased

Losing weight, underweight and overweight

In the event of an unexpected absence of menstruation, weight can play a major role. When you want big to fall off or should arrive by underweight, this can cause hormonal imbalances. ‍Your body sees low fat reserves as a potential threat and can therefore suppress ovulation. Overweight on the other hand, sometimes⁣ leads to an excess⁣ estrogen, which also certainly affects your menstrual cycle. If you are having trouble reaching a healthy weight, consider consulting a dietitian or lifestyle coach.

Some consequences of irregular weight:

    • Absence of menstruation or amenorrhea
    • Increased ⁢risk of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    • Reduced fertility
Weight status Effect on‍ menstruation
Underweight Failure to ovulate
Healthy weight Regular cycle
Overweight Irregular menstruation

Birth control

Verloskundigen Lelystad - Anticonceptie

There are times when a forgotten pill leads to a lot of stress and anxiety. But sometimes there can be more going on than just a missed pill. That is why it is important to know what the possible causes can be and what action you can take immediately.

  • Hormone fluctuations: If you have been taking your pill regularly, but your period is missing, hormone fluctuations could be the culprit.
  • Medication and diseases: When using certain medications such as antibiotics, your effectiveness may be reduced.
  • Stress and lifestyle: High stress levels or major life changes can also affect your cycle and cause you to miss your period.
Cause Action
Hormone fluctuations Consult your doctor
Medication Inform your doctor when prescribing
Stress Try relaxation techniques

Medication use

The use of medications can have a major impact on your menstrual cycle and fertility. Many women don't realize that certain medications could cause delays. Consider, for example, antidepressants, contraception or beta blockers. This medication can affect your hormones and this can result in a late or missed period. It is therefore extremely important to always read the package leaflet carefully and if in doubt, midwife or consult a doctor.

In addition, even medications such as painkillers can influence your cycle. They might illuminate physical pain, but can also unconsciously mess with your hormonal balance. If you suspect you have a role in this, you can consult this table for more information:

Medicine Possible influence
Antidepressants Altered menstrual cycle
Birth control Missing menstruation
Beta blockers Irregular periods
Painkillers Delay or absence of menstruation

If you regularly use medication, it is essential to be conscious about your health and your fertility. Continue to listen carefully to your body's signals and if in doubt or complaints, contact Midwives Lelystad.

Extreme exercise (top sport)

If you regularly participate in intensive exercise, such as top sports, this can disrupt your menstrual cycle. This is because the hormonal balance in your body changes due to extreme physical exertion. Women who participate in top sports often experience irregular periods or even a complete absence of them. This could be a reason why your period is late and you are not pregnant.

With us Midwives Lelystad we have experience in coaching top athletes. We understand that it is sometimes difficult to find the right balance between training and keeping your body in top condition. Below are some symptoms and tips to keep your hormones in balance:

  • Longer than three months without menstruation?
  • Do you suffer from fatigue and mood swings?
  • Aim for adequate rest and recovery
  • Food rich in healthy fats and proteins
Symptom Description
Irregular menstruation Variable cycle or menstruation that often does not occur
Fatigue A persistent feeling of exhaustion
Mood swings Fluctuations in your state of mind

So if you notice that intense exercise is affecting your period, consider making an appointment with us. Together we can see how you can find a healthy balance between exercise and your hormonal health.


Women who miss their menstrual cycle often immediately think of a possible pregnancy. However, there may be other health problems involved that cause delays. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)‌ for example, which is quite common, can completely disrupt your menstrual cycle. Among other things, your hormone balance is affected, causing your periods to become irregular or even absent altogether.
Other conditions that can cause delays in your cycle include:

  • Thyroid problems – both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can affect your periods.
  • Chronic stress – long-term stress can disrupt your hormone balance and slow down your cycle.
  • Premature menopause – sometimes menopause can start earlier than expected.
Condition Symptoms
PCOS Irregular menstruation, excessive hair growth
Thyroid problems Fatigue, weight fluctuations
Stress Headache, insomnia
Premature menopause Hot flashes, night sweats

Disrupted day and night rhythm

It is very annoying when you notice that your biological clock is out of balance. After you are late and you are still not pregnant, a disturbed rhythm can explain a lot. Your body works on an internal clock that ensures a balance between different hormonal processes. If this clock does not work properly, the hormonal signals for ovulation and menstruation can become irregular. There are some measures you can take to get your rhythm back on track:

  • Regular sleep time: Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day.
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day: Caffeine can disrupt your sleep, disrupting your rhythm.
  • Daylight exposure: Go outside regularly during the day to get enough sunlight.

Here's a quick table showing the recommended amount of sleep by age:

Age Sleeping hours
Adults 7-9 am
Teenagers 8-10 hours
Children 9-12 hours


When you suddenly miss your period and you are not pregnant, it can be quite frustrating. One of the causes may be. Menopause is unknown territory for many women and they worry about it, but fortunately we can put your mind at ease. Changes in your menstrual cycle can occur due to hormonal fluctuations that your body experiences during this period. Moreover, it is good to know that these hormonal changes are completely natural and part of growing older.

What can you do if you think you're in trouble? Here are some common symptoms to look out for:

  • Irregular menstruation
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty sleeping

If you recognize several of these symptoms, it is wise to make an appointment with your midwife. Additionally, you can refer to the table below to get a better idea of sphase:

Symptom Description
Irregular menstruation Periods can become unpredictable
Hot flashes Sudden waves of heat through your body
Mood swings Sudden mood swings

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

One of the most common causes of fertility problems in women is: Polycystic ovarian syndrome ‍ (PCOS). This syndrome causes hormonal imbalance, which can cause ovulation to be irregular or absent. This can delay monthly menstrual cycles and make it more difficult to become pregnant. Symptoms that may indicate this include:

    • Irregular or absent periods.
    • Excessive hair growth in unwanted places.
    • Weight gain.
    • Acne or oily skin.

PCOS is often overlooked because symptoms vary from person to person and can sometimes be subtle. Yet it is important to make a diagnosis, so that you can draw up a treatment plan together with your midwife.

Symptom Possible solution
Irregular menstruation Hormone treatment
Overweight Diet and exercise

Whether through lifestyle changes, medication or a combination of treatments, there are plenty of options available. Always discuss your concerns with our team at Midwives Lelystad for tailor-made advice.


Het geven van borstvoeding - Verloskundigen Lelystad

At Midwives Lelystad we understand that breastfeeding is more than just nutrition for your baby; it is an emotional and physical experience that creates a bond between mother and child. However, misunderstandings and problems can occur, especially if you are late with your period and are not pregnant. In such situations, it is essential to know that hormonal changes can affect breast milk production. Common causes are stress, medication and hormonal imbalance. Do you recognize yourself in this? Consider consulting a professional to discuss possible complications.

    • High Stress Levels: Stress can disrupt the production of prolactin, the breastfeeding hormone.
    • Medication: ‍ Some medications can reduce or stop milk production.
    • Hormonal Problems: An irregular cycle can be a sign of underlying hormonal problems.

In addition, a good diet can play a major role in maintaining healthy milk production. It is important to get enough rest and reduce your stress as much as possible. Furthermore, specific foods such as oatmeal and almonds can help increase milk production. If your menstrual cycle still does not become regular despite these measures, it is time to seek medical help. Your health and that of your baby always come first.

Factor Influence
Stress Disrupts hormones
Medication Reduces milk production
Hormonal imbalance Irregular cycle

Your lifestyle

Your daily habits and routines can have a major influence on your menstrual cycle. Do you often eat unhealthy food? Unhealthy food can lead to hormonal imbalance and ovulation problems. Instead, try to include more fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. Stress is also a major culprit. When you're stressed, your body produces more cortisol, a hormone that can disrupt the production of other hormones. So, time to roll out that yoga mat!

  • Healthy food
  • Regular exercise
  • Enough sleep
  • Stress management techniques
  • Hydration

Did you know smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can have the same effect? These habits can seriously disrupt your hormones and therefore your menstrual cycle. In addition, they often lead to other health problems that can make getting pregnant more difficult. So quitting smoking and reducing alcohol could help you. Here's what you can do to adopt a healthier lifestyle:

Habit Action
Unhealthy Snacks Replace with fruit
Not enough sleep At least 7-8 hours of rest per night
Smoking Stop or reduce
Alcohol consumption Limit to 1-2 glasses per week

No period, not pregnant: when to go to the doctor?

It can be quite confusing and stressful when you miss your period, but you know you are not pregnant. When should you go to the doctor? There are several possible causes for a missed period. It may be related to stress, weight changes or hormonal fluctuations. Sometimes it's a simple case of lifestyle changes, such as exercising more or less. At other times it can indicate underlying health problems. Here are a few signs you may need to see your doctor:

    • You have not had your period for more than three months in a row
    • You experience intense pain without menstruation
    • You have other symptoms such as weight loss or gain for no apparent reason

If you have any doubts, it is always better to consult a doctor. This person can reassure you or refer you to a specialist if necessary. And remember, your health is the most important.

Overdue: when to test?

You are overdue and you have already taken a pregnancy test. But what if the test⁣ is negative? ​ When is the best time to test again? Here are some helpful guidelines you can follow:

    • 1 week after your missed period: This is a good time to take a second test, as hCG hormone levels are now likely high enough to be detected.
    • 2 weeks after your missed period: If your period has still not started, it is wise to test again and, regardless of the result, make an appointment with your doctor or midwife.

There are several reasons why your period may miss without you being pregnant. Stress, hormonal changes, or medical conditions can all play a role. Consider the following options:

Possible causes Description
Stress Mentally and physically, stress can affect your cycle.
Hormonal changes Thyroid problems or PCOS can have an influence.
Medication The use of certain medications can disrupt your classification.

1 day late

Sometimes it seems like a day overdue Not that big of a deal, but it can be confusing and worrying. Some reasons‍that have nothing to do⁤ with pregnancy⁢ can range‍from natural body changes to more complex health issues. Hormonal imbalances, for example: they can be caused by stress, diet changes or even excessive exercise. These factors can influence the average menstrual cycle and cause delays.

    • Emotional stress
    • Dietary changes
    • Exercising too much

On the other hand, health problems such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), thyroid problems, or even certain medications can explain a day's delay. ‍Aside from that, weight changes can affect your menstrual cycle more than you might expect. It is therefore always a good idea to review your lifestyle and make some adjustments. Below is a brief overview that may be useful:

Cause Possible decision
Stress Meditation, relaxation techniques
Diet change Follow a balanced diet
Excessive ‍exercise Decrease the intensity
Thyroid problems Seek medical advice

2 days late

When you have your period, this can happen for several reasons. The fact that you are not pregnant can sometimes be confusing, but it is important to know that this does not necessarily have to be a reason to panic. Several factors can contribute to your late period, such as: stress, movement even power supply. Below are some common causes:

    • Stress: Long-term stress can disrupt your ‍hormonal balance ⁢, which can affect your cycle.
    • Change in body weight: Both weight loss and weight gain can cause a delay in your cycle⁢.
    • Too intensive training: Excessive physical exertion can lead to missed periods.
    • Diet: Insufficient⁢ calorie or nutritional intake can cause hormonal fluctuations.

To gain a better understanding of possible causes, we have put together a handy overview:

Cause Possible influence
Stress Disrupted hormonal balance
Changes in weight Delayed ovulation
Intensive training Missing menstruation
Inadequate nutrition Hormonal fluctuation

Taking all these factors into consideration may help you understand why your period is missing. If in doubt, it is advisable to always contact our team Midwives Lelystad⁢because we are happy to help you!

3 days late

It can be quite stressful if your period is three days late, especially if you are hoping for a positive pregnancy test. But don't worry, there can be several reasons why your cycle is temporarily confused. Here are some factors that can cause this:

    • Stress: High stress levels can affect your hormones and delay your cycle.
    • Weight fluctuations: A sudden increase or decrease in weight can affect your menstrual cycle.
    • Medication: Some medications can have side effects that disrupt your menstrual period.
    • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): ⁣ This condition can throw your hormone levels out of balance.

Do you notice that your cycle regularly deviates? Then it is wise to make an appointment with a midwife. The following table shows what you can do if you have doubts:

Situation Action
3-5 days late Wait and find relaxation.
More than 7 days late Contact a midwife.
Recurring irregular cycle Possibly consider hormonal testing.

Midwives Lelystad are always ready to answer your questions and provide professional guidance.

4 days late

A few days late and still no positive pregnancy test? Do not panic. ​There are several reasons why you may miss your period, even if you are not pregnant. Stress, for example, plays a big role in your menstrual cycle. When you're under pressure from work, family, or other factors, your body may shift its focus from your menstrual cycle to surviving the stress. This can result in delayed menstruation.

    • Hormone fluctuations: A substance in your brain called GnRH ⁢(gonadotropin-releasing hormone), regulates your menstruation. When⁤your ⁤hormonal balance⁤is disturbed, it can affect your cycle.
    • Weight changes: Both considerable weight gain as weight loss ‍ can disrupt your ⁤cycle. This is because your fatty tissue plays a role in the production of estrogen.
    • Thyroid problems: Your thyroid gland regulates hormones that are essential for a regular menstrual cycle. Problems with your thyroid gland can lead to delays.

Below you will find an overview of some possible causes and solutions:

Cause Solution
Stress Relaxation exercises
Weight changes Healthy diet and exercise
Thyroid problems Seek medical advice

Bee Midwives Lelystad We are ready to answer all your questions and help you with personal guidance. Please call if you would like to know more‍ or if you have any concerns!

5 days late

Are you five‍days overdue and have you already taken several negative pregnancy tests? Don't panic, there may be several reasons why you are not having your period. Stress is a common cause. When you worry a lot, your body produces more cortisol, which can affect your menstrual cycle.

In addition, factors such as a change in your diet, intensive physical activity or hormonal fluctuations may play a role. Below are some possible causes:

  • Weight changes: Both weight gain and weight loss can disrupt your cycle.
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): This is more common than you might think and can really affect your menstrual cycle.
  • Thyroid problems: An overactive or underactive thyroid can affect your period.
Cause Possible Symptoms
Stress Fatigue, irritability
Dietary changes Loss of appetite, weight fluctuations
PCOS Irregular cycle, excessive hair growth

Tips when you are not having your period and not pregnant

If your period is delayed⁤ but your pregnancy test is negative, it's certainly frustrating!⁢ Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to get some clarity. Stress is a known culprit for missing your period. Try to relaxed through meditation, yoga, or a long walk in nature. In addition, diet can play a ⁣major role⁤. Eating too much or too little can disrupt your cycle. Keep your diet balanced and ensure you get enough vitamins and minerals.

Furthermore, it is good to monitor your overall health. Medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid problems can affect your menstrual cycle. Visit a doctor for a check-up if you think something is wrong. Here are a few other causes to consider:

    • Medication – Some medications can affect your cycle. Consult your doctor if⁣ you think this is the case.
    • Weight loss or gain – Extreme changes in weight can throw your hormones out of balance.
    • Sport and movement – Excessive exercise can delay your menstrual cycle.

An overview of these causes can help you choose a targeted approach:

Cause Solution
Stress Relaxation exercises, such as yoga
Diet Balanced and healthy eating
PCOS Seek medical advice
Thyroid problems Medical examination


And there you have it, that's everything you need to know about possible reasons why your period could be late without being pregnant. It's a bit stressful, we totally get it, but hopefully you now have a better idea of what could be wrong and what you can do.

At Midwives Lelystad we are always ready to help you with all your questions and concerns. Whether you need advice, want to make an appointment, or just want to have a chat – let us know! ⁣We are here for you, because your health and well-being always come first.

Thank you for reading and remember: be kind to yourself and listen to your body. See you soon at Midwives Lelystad!

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