Midwives Lelystad

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Breech birth – Midwives Lelystad

The breech birth. Maybe you've heard something about it before, maybe it's completely new to you. Either way, we're here to give you all the information you need, without the medical jargon and complicated ones. technical terms. Simply clear, understandable and above all reassuring. A breech birth can sound quite exciting at first, but with the right knowledge and preparation you don't have to worry. We will take you step by step through what exactly a breech birth entails, what options you have and what you can expect.

What is a breech birth and when does it occur

Een stuitbevalling vindt plaats wanneer de baby zich met de billen⁢ of ⁣voeten eerst ‌in het​ bekken van de moeder ​bevindt terwijl de bevalling​ nadert. Dit komt voor bij ongeveer ⁤3-4% van alle zwangerschappen op het moment van de ⁤bevalling. Het kan zorgen voor extra ⁤uitdagingen en‌ het is belangrijk​ om goed geïnformeerd te zijn. Het ‌kan‍ verschillende oorzaken ‌hebben, waaronder het feit dat er te weinig ruimte in ‌de ​baarmoeder is‌ voor de⁢ baby om zich te draaien, het een meerlingzwangerschap is of er een‌ te veel vruchtwater ‌(polyhydramnion) aanwezig is. Hoewel sommige baby’s ‍nog ⁤kunnen⁤ draaien naar de juiste positie ⁣voor de bevalling,⁢ blijft⁢ ongeveer ​een derde daadwerkelijk in⁢ stuitligging. Medische professionals kunnen verschillende methoden proberen om de baby te helpen​ draaien, zoals de​ external version. This means that a doctor or midwife tries to move the baby by applying pressure to the mother's abdomen. There are also risks and benefits to having a breech birth vaginally or via a cesarean section to be carried out. This depends on various factors, such as the experience of the midwife, the health of the mother and the position of the baby.  

Cause Percentage
Too little space 35%
Multiple pregnancy 20%
Polyhydramnios 10%

Advantages and disadvantages of a breech birth

A breech birth, in which the baby is born buttocks or feet first, has both a number of advantages and disadvantages. Advantages it may be that you can experience a natural birth without having to undergo a caesarean section. For some mothers, this feels like a victory and gives them a sense of control. Moreover, the recovery after a... natural childbirth usually faster than after a caesarean section.
  • No surgery required
  • Quick recovery
  • Sense of control
However, there are also disadvantages to a breech birth. There is a higher risk of complications for both mother and child. In addition, it can be a stressful experience for the baby, which may lead to additional medical care after birth. The birth can also be longer and more painful, because different techniques and positions are required. In some cases, hospital staff may be less experienced with breech births, which can further increase stress.
  • Higher chance of complications
  • Possibly longer and more painful
  • Higher medical care required for the baby

Preparations for a breech birth

Before preparing for a breech birth, it's important to understand what to expect. Communication ⁣ with your midwife is⁢ essential. Discuss all your questions and concerns during the prenatal appointments. This not only helps you to be mentally prepared, but it also gives you confidence in the decisions you have to make during labor.


Some important steps for optimal preparation:
    • Follow a special course focused on breech births.
    • Practice relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises.
    • Make sure you have a supportive network around you.
    • Prepare for different birth scenarios.
During these preparations, it may be useful to consider the pros and cons of different birthing positions to watch. Each scenario presents unique challenges and strengths. But don't worry, we at Midwives Lelystad are ready to support you every step of the way.


Advantages Cons
Better control More intensive for the mother
Higher chance of natural childbirth More medical interventions possible

What can you expect during a breech birth?

During this type of birth you can expect different things that can be both challenging and special. A breech birth means that the baby comes out buttocks or feet first. This usually happens in the absence of a natural turning movement of the baby around the 32nd to 36th week. Important issues include the positioning of the mother, the degree of dilation and the way in which the midwife will guide you. People often work with clear steps to ensure that the birth goes smoothly.
    • Support from the midwife: they will keep a close eye on how the delivery is progressing and carry out regular checks.
    • Comfort routes: techniques such as breathing exercises and posture changes can contribute to your comfort.
    • Medical instruments: In some situations, the midwife may decide to use aids, such as a vacuum extractor.
Stage Points of attention Action
Early stage Regular⁣ check-up Stay relaxed
Active phase Maximum access Follow ‍instructions
Final stage Baby positioning Prepare for the big ‍moment

Recovery after a breech birth and tips for aftercare

A breech birth can be physically demanding, but good recovery is possible. Immediately after giving birth it is crucial to: sufficient rest and take your postpartum period seriously. In addition, consistency in breathing exercises and light pelvic floor muscle exercises can help speed up your recovery process. In addition, it is ⁣ It is important to follow concise advice from your midwife, because she understands your individual situation best. Some tips for effective aftercare include:
    • Hydration: Drink enough water to support your body in recovery.
    • Power supply: Eat a balanced diet rich in protein and vegetables to boost your energy levels.
    • Peace: Plan moments of rest every day and avoid ‌heavy ⁢exertion.
    • Support: Ask for help from friends and family for household chores and mental support.
Recovery tip Advantages
Breathing exercises Reduces stress and supports recovery
Walkable ⁢walks Improves blood circulation and mood


And there you have it – everything‌ you need⁢ to know about breech birth! We hope that this information has given you more clarity about what exactly a breech birth entails and what you should pay attention to if you encounter this. Remember that every birth is unique and it is important to be well informed and know your options. At Midwives Lelystad we are always ready to support you and answer all your questions. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to know more or need personal advice. Our team of experienced midwives is there to provide you and your baby with the best care - from the very beginning to delivery and beyond. Thank you for reading, and don't forget: you are stronger than you think!

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