Midwives Lelystad

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Sex positions – Midwives Lelystad

Are you planning your family and curious how you can increase the chance of pregnancy? Welcome to Midwives Lelystad! We understand that sometimes it is not always easy to get pregnant. That's why we'd like to give you some tips and tricks that can help you in your fertility journey. Did you know that certain sex positions can contribute to a greater chance of conception? In this article we delve into the world of different sex positions that can increase your chances of getting that coveted positive pregnancy test. Let's delve deeper into these intimate, but important aspects of wanting children and fertility. Ready to start your adventure? Let's start!

The role of gravity in conception

When discussing different⁢ sex positions that⁢ can increase your chances of pregnancy, it⁤ is inevitable to ‍ gravity to state. During conception it plays a subtle, yet significant role. For example, positions in which the woman leans back slightly and tilts her pelvis can help sperm reach their target better because of the downward pressure. This can be done, for example, in a missionary position with a pillow under her hips, or in the 'doggy style' position where gravity ensures that the semen flows to the cervix.

    • Missionary position with pillow under the hips
    • Doggy style
    • Spoon position

Moreover, positions where the woman lies on her back are often recommended. In these positions, gravity reduces the chance of semen flowing back. This gives sperm cells more time and opportunity to find their way to the egg. Another interesting option can be the spoon pose. Although less⁢ intense, it provides sustained deep penetration and an intimate connection between partners, which can be ideal in terms of both experience and results.

Stand Advantages
Missionary pose Optimal sperm retention
Doggy style Deep penetration
Spoon position Sustained deep penetration

Deeper contact for better opportunities

Having deeper connections during more intimate moments can not only contribute to a stronger sense of connection, but also to better chances of becoming pregnant. ⁤Some positions can increase your chances of success by bringing the sperm cells closer to the cervix. A few effective ones sex positions to consider missionary, spooning and doggy style, as these positions allow for deeper penetration. This means not only more sensation, but also more chance of the sperm cells reaching the uterus directly, which increases the chance of fertilization.
In addition, it is important to lie down for a few minutes after intercourse and, if necessary, raise your hips slightly. This ensures that the sperm cells have as long as possible to find their way to the egg. While you wait, it might be a good idea to share a relaxing moment together; a deep conversation can do wonders for your emotional and physical bond. Here are some positions and tips to consider:

  • Missionary: Traditional, but effective.
  • Spooning: Comfortable and intimate.
  • Doggy style: Gives deep penetration for a better chance.
Position Advantages
Missionary Deep penetration and eye contact
Spooning Intimate and relaxing
Doggy style Optimal penetration angle

Timing is everything: the best moments of the day

Timing can make a big difference when it comes to the best times of the day for conception. In the morning, the energy levels of both partners are often higher, which can lead to more enthusiasm⁢ and better performance in the bedroom.⁢ In addition, the sperm count is often higher after⁤ a night's sleep, which can potentially increase your chances of pregnancy. If you have a busy schedule, the evening can also be a good time. After a long day, the relaxation of a romantic evening walk or a shared dinner can help you get in the right mood.

In addition to timing, certain positions can increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Here are some positions you can try:

    • Missionary pose: This classic position allows for deeper penetration, bringing the sperm cells closer to the cervix.
    • Doggy⁢ Style: This position also offers deep penetration and can be beneficial in helping the sperm cells reach their target faster.
    • Lifelong Hug: By having the woman keep her legs high, the sperm can reach the uterus more easily.
Moment of the Day Benefit
Morning Higher energy level and better sperm quality
Evening More relaxation and intimacy

More playful for success: variation and pregnancy

Variation is the key to success when it comes to sex positions that can increase your chance of pregnancy. Although there is no specific scientific evidence that certain positions work better than others, some positions can give sperm cells a little extra push in the right direction. Consider the following positions:

    • Missionary: This classic position ensures that the sperm cells can swim more easily to the cervix.
    • Doggy style: Deeper penetration can help get the sperm cells closer to the cervix.
    • The spoon: Comfortable and intimate, this position ensures good blood circulation and relaxation.

So experiment with different positions and discover together what works best for you.

In addition, the moment of the act plays a crucial role. Knowing your ovulation cycle is essential for optimizing the chance of conception. Consider keeping an ovulation calendar or using ovulation tests. Although some celebrities and social media promote myths, timing remains key:

Day Activity
Day 10-14 Check your ovulation
Day 12-16 Plan your moment

By being prepared and accurate you can significantly increase your chances of success. So go for it and be adventurous, variety and timing are your best allies!

Tips and tricks for optimal fertilization

Do you want to increase your chances of pregnancy? Then it is important to know that certain sex positions can help with this. Certain positions ensure deeper penetration, which can contribute to better sperm travel to the egg cell. Consider, for example, the missionary attitudewhere the man lies on top of the woman. This position is not only popular, but also effective because gravity helps direct the sperm cells. Also the doggy style, where the woman is on her hands and knees, can achieve deep penetration and thus increase your chances.

In addition, there are other factors that can positively contribute to fertilization. Consider the tips below to increase the effectiveness of your efforts:

    • Use a pillow under the hips:⁤ This can help to raise the pelvic tilt, which promotes the seminal groove⁢ towards the cervix.
    • Wait a few minutes before getting up: Lie quietly for a moment after ejaculation to give the sperm cells time to begin their journey.

Our lifestyle also has an influence on fertility:

Healthy Habits Description
Healthy food Fertility supporting diet
To move Regular exercise
Avoiding Stress Relaxation and meditation


And there you have it, some interesting positions that can increase your chances of pregnancy! ⁣Whether you choose the “missionary”, “doggy style” or perhaps something more adventurous, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and relaxed. At Midwives Lelystad we understand that every journey to parenthood is unique. Do you have questions or do you need personal advice? Our team of expert midwives is always ready to support and guide you on this special journey. Feel free to contact us and don't forget: the most important thing is that you have fun and enjoy the moments together. Good luck and perhaps see you soon at our practice!

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