Midwives Lelystad

Verloskundigen Lelystad-Schouderdystocie

Shoulder dystocia: Everything you need to know – Midwives Lelystad

Between all those preparations and expectations, terms sometimes pop up that may make you think: “What does that mean again?” Shoulder dystocia is such a term. Maybe you overheard it somewhere or it came up during one of your visits to us or the gynecologist. But, what exactly is it? And more importantly, what does it mean for you and your baby?

Shoulder dystocia may sound like a complicated term, but we are here to explain it simply and clearly. ⁢It is a situation that can occur during childbirth, where the baby's shoulders become stuck after the birth of the head. This can be a challenging situation for both the mother and the baby and sometimes requires quick action from the midwife or doctor.

But before you worry, let's get the facts straight. In this blog we discuss everything you need to know about shoulder dystocia – from the causes and risk factors to the ways it can be tackled during childbirth. We⁤ offer you ⁤not only the‍information you need, but also the reassurance that comes with ⁣knowledge ‌and understanding ‍of the ‍situation.

At Midwives Lelystad we believe in strength through knowledge. So, take a deep breath and relax: you are in good hands. Let's dive into the world of shoulder dystocia together, so that you can be well prepared and confident about your birthing adventure.

The​ questions we often receive

At Midwives Lelystad we realize that many questions may arise from expectant parents about shoulder dystocia. You may be wondering: “How do I recognize shoulder dystocia?” Simply put, it is a situation where, after the birth of the baby's head, one of the baby's shoulders becomes stuck behind the mother's pubic bone. This leads to a delay in the birth of the rest of the body. Signs to look out for include the lack of further progress in birth after the appearance of the baby's head and a purple or blue discoloration of the baby's face.

In addition, we are often asked: “What can we do to prevent shoulder dystocia?” Although it is not always possible to prevent shoulder dystocia completely, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk. These include:

    • Regular prenatal check-ups to monitor the size and position of the baby.
    • Adequate weight gain during pregnancy, based on the advice of your midwife.
    • Preparing for childbirth through specific exercises aimed at optimizing your pelvic flexibility.

Despite all the preparations, it is important to remember that every birth is unique and cannot be planned. At Midwives Lelystad we are ready to provide professional support in every situation.

The definitions

Shoulder dystocia is a rare but serious situation that can occur during childbirth. The moment the baby's head is born, but one of the shoulders gets stuck behind the mother's pubic bone. This obstacle can lead to an urgent medical situation that requires rapid intervention to help both mother and child safely through the birth. Shoulder dystocia is unpredictable and can occur with any birth, regardless of whether it is a mother's first. or ⁣not. Although it occurs in a small percentage of births, it is important to understand the signs, possible risks and management techniques.

When solving‌ shoulder dystocia There are several techniques that can be applied to resolve the situation. These are procedures such as the McRoberts maneuver, in which the mother's legs are bent significantly and pulled toward her chest to make more room for the baby's shoulder. Internal rotation, where the midwife tries to manipulate the baby's shoulder position into a more favorable position, can also be successful. In ⁢very⁢rare cases, a decision may be made to episiotomy an incision that enlarges the opening for the baby, although this is only considered when absolutely necessary. Most importantly, the team is prepared to act quickly and utilize every possible strategy to ensure a safe delivery for both mother and child.

Technology Goal Carried out by
McRoberts maneuver Make more⁣ space Midwife
Internal rotation Adjust shoulder position ⁤ Midwife
Episiotomy Enlarge opening Obstetrician/Gynaecologist

It remains crucial for expectant parents to be informed about possible birth scenarios such as shoulder dystocia. This not only allows them to be better prepared, but also to effectively support their care team in making the best decisions during labor. At Midwives Lelystad, the safety of mother and child always comes first. We ensure that our team is trained to quickly recognize and respond appropriately to shoulder dystocia and other urgent situations, with the aim of ensuring a safe and positive birth experience for everyone.

The details

When we talk about shoulder dystocia, we are talking about a situation in which, after the birth of the baby's head, the baby's shoulders become stuck behind the mother's pubic bone. This can be for both the baby and the baby. as ⁤an exciting situation ⁢for the mother, given the possible complications that may arise from this. It is important to know that this occurs in approximately 0.5 to 1% of deliveries, so it is relatively rare. But, being prepared is half the battle!

We'll go into more detail the most important factors that may contribute to the risk of shoulder dystocia. First of all, the estimated birth weight plays a crucial role; babies who are heavier than average have a higher chance of becoming stuck. In addition, certain maternal medical conditions, such as diabetes, are also risk factors. Finally, a previous birth with shoulder dystocia can increase the risk of recurrence in subsequent births. It is essential to discuss these risks with your midwife so that an appropriate birth plan can be drawn up.

Risk factors Details
Estimated birth weight Babies above ⁢average weight
Medical conditions mother Diabetes, obesity
Previous ‍delivery ⁢with shoulder dystocia Increased risk of recurrence

Bee Midwives Lelystad we emphasize the importance of good information and preparation. By recognizing the risk factors in time and taking appropriate measures, the consequences of shoulder dystocia can often be limited. Our team is ready to guide you through this process and ensure a safe and supported birth experience.

The history

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Schouderdystocie 2

Over the years, the medical community has gained a better understanding of shoulder dystocia, a rare but serious complication that can occur during childbirth. Historically, shoulder dystocia has always presented challenges for both obstetricians and expectant mothers. The problem occurs when the baby's shoulders become stuck behind the mother's pubic bone after the birth of the head. The approach and methods to manage this complication have evolved significantly over time, leading to improved outcomes for both mother and child.

The development of procedures and techniques to resolve shoulder dystocia, such as the McRoberts maneuver and suprapubic pressure, has changed the way obstetricians and physicians treat this complication. Important moments in ⁣de history of shoulder dystocia include the introduction of multidisciplinary guidelines and training aimed at improving the recognition and management of shoulder dystocia.

Year Innovation Impact
1980 Introduction of the McRoberts maneuver Improved mother and child outcomes
1990 Development of guidelines for the management of shoulder dystocia Standardization of care
2000 Start of multidisciplinary training Increased knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals

It is essential for midwives and other healthcare professionals to constantly stay informed of the latest research and techniques. At Midwives Lelystad we recognize the importance of both historical awareness and continuing education to provide the safest and most effective care for expectant mothers and their babies.

The three types

In the context of shoulder dystocia, a situation that can arise during childbirth, it is important to know that there are three "main types" of complications that can arise. Each has its own characteristics and approach needed to guide both mother and child safely through the birth process.

First and foremost we have the mild type, whereby the baby can be born with minimal assistance and without many additional interventions. This type often just requires some patience and minor adjustments in the mother's attitude. Secondly there is the mediocre type,​ where ⁤specific handles and maneuvers by ⁤the obstetrician or ‌gynecologist are necessary to allow the baby‌ to be born safely. Finally, there is the serious type, that ⁤possibly a surgical procedure such as⁤ a cesarean section required depending on the situation and how well the baby is doing. It is crucial for the health of both the mother and the child that these scenarios are recognized and treated quickly and accurately.

Type Description Needed Intervention
Mild Minimal help required Adjustments in posture
Mediocre Specific handles required Maneuvers⁤ by⁤ professionals
Serious May require surgical intervention Cesarean section

At Midwives Lelystad we focus on educating and preparing expectant parents for all possible scenarios during childbirth, including shoulder dystocia. Our expertise and experience allow us to quickly recognize a situation and take appropriate action, so that every birth is as safe as possible.

The answers

Shoulder dystocia can be a stressful complication during childbirth, but with the right knowledge and preparation you can prepare for this. A successful outcome depends on quick and effective interventions by the medical team. Here are⁤ ⁤ some frequently asked questions:

    • How is shoulder dystocia treated? Once shoulder dystocia has been identified, healthcare providers will perform several maneuvers to release the baby without harm to the mother or child. This can range from changing the mother's position, applying gentle pressure, to performing more specialized procedures such as the McRoberts maneuver or applying suprapubic pressure.
    • What can I do as an expectant mother? ⁣Although shoulder dystocia is often unpredictable, good prenatal care can help reduce risks. Stay in close contact with your healthcare provider during pregnancy, follow a healthy diet, stay active and discuss your birth plan. Your team of midwives at Midwives Lelystad is there to guide you through every step.
Intervention Description
McRoberts maneuver Mother's legs are brought towards her chest to increase the angle of the pelvic outlet.
Suprapubic pressure Gentle but firm pressure is applied just above the pubic bone to help the baby's shoulder rotate.

Through early planning and proper preparation, together with the expertise of Midwives Lelystad, you can rely on a team ready to support you through every aspect of your birth, including potential challenges such as shoulder dystocia. Our goal ​is to make your birth experience as safe and positive as possible, with a healthy and happy beginning for you and your baby.

What can a midwife do?

In the tense moments associated with shoulder dystocia, the midwife plays a key role in safely delivering the baby. First of all, it is crucial that action is taken quickly but calmly. The midwife knows exactly which techniques can be used to help the baby pass through the birth canal without increasing the risk of injury. These techniques include maneuvers such as:

    • McRobert's maneuver: The mother is asked to press her legs against her stomach to create more space in the pelvis.
    • Suprapubic pressure: Assisted pressure is gently applied above the pubic bone to rotate and free the baby's shoulder.
    • Rubin II: ⁢Internally⁣ rotating the ⁤shoulder closest⁤ to the mother's ⁣belly,⁢ to create more space for the posterior shoulder.
    • Woods' corkscrew maneuver: A rotational movement that helps to loosen the stuck shoulder.

In addition to applying these techniques, the midwife also ensures that the atmosphere remains as calm and supportive as possible. Communication between the midwife, the mother and the medical team present is essential to ensure the safety of both mother and child. Immediately after birth, the midwife will carefully examine the baby to identify and address any problems that may have arisen due to the shoulder dystocia in a timely manner. This care after birth is just as crucial as the actions during the birth itself to ensure that both the mother and her newborn child get the best start possible.


We hope that after reading our article you will have a clearer idea of ​​what shoulder dystocia exactly means, how it can be recognized and what can be done to manage it during childbirth. At Midwives Lelystad we understand that the health of you and your baby is of the utmost importance and that is why we are ready to support you in the best possible way.

If you have any questions about shoulder dystocia or other birth-related concerns, we cordially invite you to contact our team. Our experienced midwives are always ready to provide you with personal guidance and care. tailored to your unique situation. Because at Midwives Lelystad we ensure a safe and reliable start for you and your little one.

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