Midwives Lelystad

Kimberly's Friends Book

Foto van Kimberly Verloskundigen Lelystad

Click on the questions to see the answers.

1. What is your nickname and why? +

Actually, all my friends call me Kim, nice and short and sweet.

2. What is your superpower (besides delivering babies) +

I have a lot of perseverance, if I want something, I will do everything I can to make it succeed!

3. What was your childhood dream? +

Becoming a mom!

4. What is a fact about you that you don't usually tell but secretly want to reveal? +

I usually get very surprised reactions when I tell them that my favorite music style is hip-hop and rap music, I can really enjoy a festival where only this music is played. On the other hand, I also just really like to sit on the couch with my cat and a crochet project.

5. Are there things that you secretly find difficult and for which you admire others? +

I find it hard to let things go and choose for myself. I always find it so incredibly clever and brave when someone puts their own feelings and well-being first.

6. What do you like to eat when you have time to sit quietly after a busy shift? +

A healthy, balanced meal with lots of vegetables.

7. What does your ideal day off look like? +

Eating a piece of pie with my family in the Limburg hills!

8. Are you a morning person or a night owl (or both because of your job)? +

I am a morning person, I live by the saying 'the early bird catches the worm'. But through our work you naturally become both.

9. What does your ideal holiday look like? +

I love to combine activities and escape, so I enjoy a long walk that is then concluded on a terrace while enjoying a nice meal.

10. What is a moment in your life that you always look back on with a smile? +

In my spare time I am a scout, I was a member myself and have been a leader for quite a few years now. Time and again I look back with a smile on all the great camps we have had, often abroad. There is nothing better than ending your day with everyone around the campfire!

11. What's the best spontaneous decision you've ever made? +

That seems to me to be the decision to come to Dronten to pursue my greatest passion here: being a midwife!

12. When and how was your first contact with maternity care? +

As a child I really wanted to be a vet, when our goat was pregnant with triplets the vet had a vet in our garage cesarean section performed on the goat, I assisted as an 8-year-old. That may have been my first contact. Otherwise it was the presentation I gave in group 7 about neonatology, inspired by my aunt who works as a nurse in this department. And yes, that was fully expanded with dolls and all the material to demonstrate what was happening there!

13. What's the most hilarious thing you've ever experienced during childbirth? +

I will limit my answer to the statement that I can imagine quite well what amniotic fluid tastes like.

14. What would you do if you had to wait in a delivery room for an hour? +

I would look to see if I can clean up or add anything haha

15. What is your “midwifery life motto”? +

As a midwife, I think it is important that you know that I am always at your side, but I do not want to take on a prominent role in this. You can compare me with a support that is always there when you need it, but that you are the one who is in your power and holds the reins.

16. If you had to choose: always a water birth or always a stormy home birth? +

I would definitely have a water birth!

17. What's your favorite baby name of late? +


18. What music do you have playing in the car when you're on duty? +

Hip-hop music, and I love to rap along to stay awake!

19. What is your favorite snack during a long shift (or during labor)? +

An oatmeal bar!

20. If people were to describe you, how would you want people to remember you? +

I would most like to be remembered as someone everyone can count on.

21. If you were to give birth yourself, what would your ideal birth look like? And who would be there? +

If I could dream, I would most like to give birth at home, with cozy lights and lights on everywhere and catch my contractions in a birthing pool. I would like to have a calm midwife with me who I feel comfortable with and of course my partner.

22. If you had a time machine and could relive one moment in history, what would it be? +

Then I might want to relive my own birth, it seems very special to me to see what happened then from my current obstetric perspective.

23. If you could give one last piece of advice to all pregnant women, what would it be? +

Be proud of yourself, you are doing so well!

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