Midwives Lelystad

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Heavy bleeding during your pregnancy – Midwives Lelystad

What you need to know⁢ about heavy bleeding during pregnancy

If you suffer from: heavy bleeding, it is important to contact your midwife immediately. There are several causes that can play a role, including some that require special attention. For example, a miscarriage is een veelvoorkomende oorzaak in het first trimester, terwijl problemen zoals de placenta⁤ praevia vaker in het ​later stadium van ‍de zwangerschap voorkomen.

There are a number of points you can pay attention to:

    • Be careful on the amount of blood loss and the color of the blood. Bright red blood loss and an amount similar to a menstrual period is always a reason to contact your midwife immediately. Even if there is little blood loss (amount suitable for a panty liner and color bright red or brown) there is a reason to call the midwife, but this is not immediately something to worry about.
    • NB additional symptoms such as abdominal pain, dizziness or contractions.
    • Try to identify when the bleeding started and under what circumstances it worsens or decreases.

Of course, following your midwife's instructions is crucial in these situations. For example, it may be necessary to remain in bed or avoid certain activities to minimize the risks.

This can cause heavy bleeding during your pregnancy

Bleeding can be very worrying, especially during pregnancy. First of all, it is important to know that not every bleeding immediately indicates a serious problem. However, when the blood loss is heavy, it can be an indicator of various complications. Examples of this are a miscarriage or a⁤ placenta previa, where the placenta lies low in the uterus and partly or completely covers the opening to the cervix. These ⁣situations ⁤require⁢ immediate medical attention.

In addition, heavy bleeding can also be caused by: Ectopic Pregnancy, where the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube. This is a very serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. In less severe cases, bleeding can also be the result of an infection or cervical changes, such as ectropion, where there is a change in the cervix. It is crucial to contact your obstetrician immediately if there are any signs of unusual blood loss.

Cause ⁢of bleeding What to do
Placenta praevia Seek immediate medical attention
Miscarriage Contact your midwife as soon as possible
Ectopic pregnancy with abdominal pain and heavy bleeding Calling for emergency assistance
Infections Consult with your midwife
Ectropion Regular check-ups via the GP

Remember that timely intervention can often be crucial⁢ for both your health and that of your baby. It is therefore better to always consult with a professional when in doubt. Bee Midwives Lelystad We are ready to answer all your questions and support you during this beautiful, but sometimes exciting time.

How to best act in case of heavy bleeding

Take action in case of ⁢severe bleeding ⁣can seem overwhelming, ⁢but acting quickly ⁤and correctly is crucial. First, try to stay calm and call 911 immediately; Medical assistance is essential. While waiting for emergency services, it is important to apply pressure to the bleeding area with a clean cloth or gauze. Try to keep the bleeding area higher than the heart, this helps to minimize blood loss.

In addition, try to avoid exercise as this can worsen the bleeding. Also,‍if possible,‍lay the person down with their legs slightly elevated; this helps support blood circulation and can help stabilize blood pressure. It is important to remember ‌that these⁢ measures are temporary​ solutions until professional medical help ⁢arrives.⁤ The table below provides a brief overview of the steps that need to be taken.

When you need to go to the midwife immediately with bleeding during pregnancy

Sometimes it is necessary not to wait but to seek medical help immediately. This is particularly important in case of severe or persistent bleeding. There are specific situations that require an immediate visit by the midwife. On the one hand, if the blood loss is accompanied by severe pain or cramps. If you become dizzy and feel faint during bleeding, these are always reasons to call the midwife. A quick response can be crucial.

In addition, you should also pay attention to the color and consistency of the bleeding. Bright red blood or blood clots may indicate a miscarriage in progress. Old brown blood loss is often not an emergency, this concerns old blood loss.

Remember that when in doubt, it is always better to stay on the safe side and contact your midwife or doctor. Better to have one too many calls than one too few, especially during pregnancy.

Tips to reduce the risk of bleeding during your pregnancy

A healthy lifestyle is crucial if you want to reduce the risk of bleeding during pregnancy. First and foremost, make sure you balanced nutrition ⁢ rich in iron and‍ vitamin C. Iron helps in the production of hemoglobin, which is essential for oxygen transport in your blood. ⁣Vitamin‍ C increases iron absorption,‍ so combine iron-rich meals with foods like oranges‌ or broccoli. In addition, it is important to have sufficient water to drink. ‍Hydration plays an‍important role⁢ in reducing the risk of blood clot formation.

Furthermore, avoid activities that have a high risk of falls or physical impact. Think of skiing or horse riding. Instead, you can opt for safer forms of exercise such as swimming or walking, which support your fitness without unnecessary risks. If you have pre-existing conditions such as placenta previa, it is even more important to work closely with your obstetrician for appropriate advice. Also keep an eye on your routine checkups and don't miss appointments so that your health and that of your baby are continuously monitored.

Activity Recommended To avoid
Swimming Yes No
To walk Yes No
To ski No Yes
Horse riding No Yes


We hope that this information about heavy bleeding during pregnancy has provided you with reassurance and clarity. It's understandable if you're worried, but remember that you're not alone. At Midwives Lelystad we are there to support and guide you through every step of your pregnancy. If you have any questions or are experiencing any uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your health and that of your baby are our priority. Take good care of yourself and we hope to see you soon at your next appointment!

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