Midwives Lelystad

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What is Menorrhagia – Midwives Lelystad

What is Menorrhagia: Concept and symptoms With menorrhagia, also called heavy menstrual bleeding, a woman experiences an extraordinary amount of blood loss during her menstruation. This⁣ can lead to⁢ discomfort‍ and disruption of ⁤daily life. ‍But⁤what exactly does this mean? Typical symptoms include long periods lasting more than seven days and […]

Verloskundigen Lelystad

Breech birth – Midwives Lelystad

The breech birth. Maybe you've heard something about it before, maybe it's completely new to you. Either way, we're here to give you all the information you need, without the medical jargon and complicated ones. technical terms. Simply clear, understandable and above all reassuring. A breech birth can sound quite exciting at first, but […]

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Everything you need to know about hCG injections

What are hCG injections and how do they work? At Midwives Lelystad we understand that hCG injections can be a subject of many questions. These injections contain human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a natural hormone that plays a crucial role in pregnancy and fertility. hCG supports the development of eggs in the ovaries and stimulates ovulation in time. Especially in […]

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What is Adenomyosis? Midwives Lelystad

What exactly is ⁣adenomyosis⁢? Adenomyosis is a condition in which the uterine lining (endometrium) grows into the muscular wall of the uterus. This can lead to heavy periods, severe menstrual pain and a swollen abdomen. Women who deal with this often experience a lot of discomfort. Adenomyosis is often confused with endometriosis, because both conditions involve the uterine lining. However, at […]

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What is heredity?

What is heredity and why is it so important? Heredity is the process by which parents pass on genetic information to their children. This genetic information, stored in DNA, determines many of our physical and sometimes psychological characteristics. Think of ⁤eye color, hair color,⁤ and even certain talents. Genes are the building blocks of this information. They come in pairs: […]

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