Midwives Lelystad

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Persistent bleeding in pregnancy – Midwives Lelystad

Being pregnant is a special time full of changes and expectations, but also a period in which you can sometimes face unexpected health challenges. Bleeding can be one of these and it is important to be well informed about what this can mean for you and your baby.

In the ⁣next⁤ paragraphs we will explain ⁣what persistent⁣ bleeding can mean, how often ⁢they occur, what​ are possible causes and most importantly: when ⁤to worry ⁣and what you can do. Our goal is to put your mind at ease with knowledge and provide you with the support you need during your pregnancy. Let's go through this often undiscussed but essential information together.

What you need to know about persistent bleeding during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy can be worrying, but it's not always a sign of trouble. Minor bleeding is actually quite common, especially in the first trimester, and is usually harmless. However, it is important to note that persistent or heavy bleeding requires more attention. If you have bleeding, always contact your midwife for consultation.

If there is persistent bleeding, there are a number of specific causes that we pay extra attention to:

    • Placenta‌problems: Such as a low-lying placenta or placenta previa, can cause bleeding during the second or third trimester.

In addition, risk factors are "closely monitored" and it is important to share your medical history with your obstetrician to identify personal risks. Remember, although it can be a scary symptom, with the right care and attention it can often be managed well.

The possible causes of bleeding in pregnancy exposed

Vaginal ⁣bleeding during pregnancy can be alarming, but are not always a sign of a problem. One of the most common causes in the first trimester is... implantation bleeding, which takes place when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterine wall. This is usually mild and short-lived. In addition, bleeding can also be caused by hormonal changes that make the cervix more sensitive, which can lead to bleeding after physical examination or sexual intercourse.

Another cause that we should not ignore is: infections of the vagina or cervix. Consider a fungal infection or bacterial vaginosis. These infections can cause irritation and therefore bleeding. It is therefore important to always contact your midwife or doctor for appropriate advice and treatment in case of unusual blood loss. Furthermore, it is essential to stay well informed and not ignore even small changes during your pregnancy.

How do you recognize the signs of serious bleeding?

Severe bleeding during pregnancy can be frightening, and it is essential to know what signs indicate that something is wrong. First of all, if the bleeding is heavy, where you use more than one pad per hour, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Also, if your blood loss is accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, fainting or palpitations, these are clear indications that it may be a serious situation.

In addition, you should pay attention to the color and consistency of the blood. Fresh blood is bright red and can be a sign of active bleeding, while darker blood is often older. Lumps can also occur; although small lumps may be normal, large lumps may indicate a more serious problem. ⁤Here is an overview of some important points to pay attention to:

    • Quantity: the degree of blood loss (more than one sanitary towel per hour).
    • Colour: ‍ bright red versus dark red blood.
    • Consistency: ‍presence of large blood clots.

If in doubt, always contact your doctor or midwife. Your ⁣health‌ and that of your ⁣baby are ⁣first!

Tips to deal with bleeding during your pregnancy

If you suffer from bleeding during your pregnancy, this can be quite worrying. First of all, it's important to to contact ⁤your healthcare provider directly, especially if the bleeding is accompanied by symptoms such as cramps, fever or dizziness. These symptoms ⁤may indicate ⁢a potentially more serious condition such as‍ a miscarriage‌ or‍ Ectopic Pregnancy. In addition, here are some tips you can follow to minimize the risk of bleeding and take good care of yourself if you experience it:

    • Rest well and try to avoid stress. It has been proven that stress can have negative effects on both mother and baby.
    • Stay well hydrated and eat a balanced diet rich in iron. This not only helps maintain your blood volume, but also improve your general health.
    • Avoid strenuous exercise and activities that increase the risk of falling or injury.

Furthermore, here is a simple table to help you better understand signs of bleeding during pregnancy:

Type of bleeding Possible causes Action plan
Light bleeding Implantation bleeding, changes in the cervix Take a rest, look at the situation
Moderate to heavy bleeding Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy Seek medical attention immediately

Make sure you follow all recommendations from your healthcare provider. ⁣In addition, keep a diary of your symptoms, so that you can quickly identify any changes and discuss them during your next consultation. Remember, every pregnancy ⁣is unique; What is normal for one person may be abnormal for another. That's why it's essential to communicate openly with your midwife or doctor.

When should you call the doctor immediately?

It is crucial to be alert to signs that indicate possible complications during your pregnancy. So you should ⁤contact⁣ your doctor immediately or midwife if you notice that your bleeding does not stop or becomes heavier. This could be a sign of a serious situation, such as a miscarriage or a placental problem. Don't worry about bothering your healthcare provider; it's their job to support and reassure you.

In addition, watch for the following symptoms that may indicate a need for prompt medical intervention:

    • Severe pain: ‍Particularly if ‌this pain ⁣is accompanied⁤ by bleeding, it is important to sound the alarm immediately.
    • Fainting or becoming light-headed: This may indicate‌ blood loss⁢ and/or other complications that require immediate attention.
    • Fever: A fever can indicate an infection, which poses additional risks during pregnancy.

Contacting your doctor about these symptoms can be crucial to avoid serious consequences for you and your baby.


We hope that this article has helped you gain a better understanding of persistent bleeding during pregnancy. It is⁣ important to be alert to your body's signals and not to hesitate to seek help if you are concerned. At Lelystad Midwives we are ready to support you with professional care and answers to all your questions. Please don't hesitate to contact us or discuss your concerns during your next appointment. Your health and that of your baby are our top priority. Take care of yourself!

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