Pregnancy symptoms in the first 12 weeks
Dear perhaps expectant mother. You are probably reading this article because you think you are suffering from pregnancy symptoms. Various pregnancy symptoms may indeed appear in the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy, but this is not always necessary. It's completely normal to experience these, but some can be quite uncomfortable. As your midwife, I would like to guide you through what to expect and how to deal with these pregnancy symptoms.
Nausea: one of the common pregnancy symptoms
Misselijkheid is een van de meest voorkomende zwangerschapssymptomen in het first trimester. Dit wordt vaak veroorzaakt door het zwangerschapshormoon hCG, dat in deze periode piekt. Rond de 11e week kun je het meeste last hebben van misselijkheid. Bij sommigen beperkt het zich tot de ochtend, maar anderen kunnen de hele dag door misselijk zijn. Een tip: probeer voor het opstaan iets lichts zoals een cracker te eten. Als de misselijkheid echter extreem wordt en je veel moet overgeven, neem dan contact met me op. In sommige gevallen is medische aandacht vereist.
Breast changes as a pregnancy symptom
In the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy you may notice that your breasts are becoming larger and more sensitive. This is a normal pregnancy symptom and is preparing your body for breastfeeding. Your nipples may also change color. If this bothers you a lot, wearing a supportive bra can help.
Changes in eating pattern
During the first weeks of your pregnancy you may notice that your eating habits change. You may feel more hungry or averse to certain foods. An unusual pregnancy symptom is the urge to eat inedible things, such as sand or paper. This is known as pica and is something you should definitely discuss with me.
Fatigue and pregnancy
The growth of your baby, the production of the placenta and the changes in your hormone balance can make you very tired. It is important to listen to your body and get enough rest.
Emotional changes
Pregnancy hormones can also affect your emotions. One moment you may feel cheerful and the next moment a little more depressed. This is a normal pregnancy symptom. Talk to your partner or friends about this and know that I am always there to support you.
Urinate more often during pregnancy
An increase in the frequency of urination is a typical pregnancy symptom. This is because your kidneys have better blood flow during pregnancy. If, in addition to urinating more often, you are also extremely thirsty, it is important to discuss this with me.
If you have any questions or concerns about these or other pregnancy symptoms, please don't hesitate to contact me. Remember that experiencing these symptoms is a normal part of your pregnancy journey and I am here to support you.