Midwives Lelystad


Early signs of pregnancy

Are you in that exciting time where you wonder: “Could I be pregnant?” When you think that a little one might be on the way, it seems like your body is suddenly full of signals. So much is happening inside you, that it can sometimes be quite a challenge to understand what you are feeling. But don't worry - in this blog we will take you along the early hints of pregnancy. Everyone is different, so the first signs can vary from woman to woman. Grab a nice cup of herbal tea, nestle yourself on the couch, and let's start this fascinating journey through the world of pregnancy signs together!

A little more: your body is a miracle - it gives subtle and not so subtle signals. We at Verloskundigen Lelystad help you recognize them, step by step.

Is there a baby inside? Spot the first signs

The first thing you’ll often notice is that your period doesn’t come – a pretty strong hint that something’s up. But that’s not the only thing you might notice. Sometimes you just feel “different” without really knowing why. A classic is morning sickness – or nausea at any time – as all those pregnancy hormones send your body into overdrive to get ready for your baby. Your breasts might also become more sensitive or even a little sore – that’s because of the hormonal rollercoaster your body is building for that safe nest. And because your baby is growing fast and draining your energy, feeling tired is a common sign, even if you’re sleeping well.

But there are also smaller signals. Your basal temperature – which you measure in the morning – can be higher, a silent hint of pregnancy. Or your sense of smell and taste suddenly go haywire – your favorite coffee suddenly smells bad, or your favorite snack tastes strange. That can happen soon after conception, again because of those hormones.

Tips for when you notice…

  • sensitive breasts: choose a soft, firm bra
  • tiredness: take extra rest periods
  • nausea: eat a dry cracker before getting up, snack small, follow your cravings, try ginger tea or tablets

Is it getting more intense or are these tips not helping enough? Call your midwife – we at Verloskundigen Lelystad are ready to help you further.

Learn more: These symptoms are your body's way of showing you that it's working hard – a little miracle in the making!

How do you know for sure?

No period? Then a test is a smart move. For the best results, use your morning pee – this is the strongest and gives the clearest chance of a correct result. Still in doubt or do you really want to know for sure? Take another test a few days later, or go for a digital version that simply says “pregnant” or “not pregnant” – less guessing, more peace of mind.

If your test is a big yes, call your midwife. With an ultrasound we can make it official – you will see your baby's first image! That first visit is also the perfect time to ask anything that comes to mind. Make a list: what can I eat, how active can I be, which medications are okay, what can I expect? At Verloskundigen Lelystad we make sure that you confident and well informed continues – that first visit lays the foundation.

Extra: that echo is a milestone – you see the beginning! And your questions are welcome – we take all the time.


There you have it – the first signs that you might be pregnant. Every body is different, so your signs may be unique. No period or any of these hints? A pregnancy test can give you more clarity.

At Verloskundigen Lelystad we are here to support you with all your questions and uncertainties about a possible pregnancy. Our door is wide open for a chat or a check. It is a special time, sometimes with a pinch of tension, and we want you to feel strong and calm. Together we will build a beautiful start for you and your baby - see you soon!

More: It's your journey – we'll walk with you, so you can take that first step with confidence.

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Take good care of yourself and your future little one!

With warm regards,

Midwives Lelystad
Address: Badweg 21, 8223 PA Lelystad
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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