Midwives Lelystad

Course of childbirth


Childbirth: what can you expect?

The birth of your child is one of the most life-changing moments in a woman's life. Bee Midwives Lelystad we put your safety and well-being first. Every birth is unique, which is why we offer personal guidance and support. Let's take a look in detail at what you can expect during the birthing process.

The beginning: contractions and/or ruptured waters

Most births start with contractions. These contractions can range from mild to intense and feel like cramps in your lower abdomen. Sometimes labor starts with the rupture of the waters. This marks the beginning of labor.

The dilation phase: from 0 to 10 centimeters

During the dilation phase, the cervix becomes softer and smaller, eventually opening completely (up to 10 centimeters). The contractions become stronger and more regular. We will guide you through this phase.

  • Contractions may be irregular at first, with longer pauses between them.
  • In a first birth, we expect full dilation when you have regular contractions for two hours, with intervals of 3-4 minutes and a duration of about one minute. For women who have given birth before, this phase usually progresses more quickly.

The Press Phase: Welcome, Baby!

When fully dilated, 10 centimeters, the pressing phase begins. We check if the baby is ready to be born, and if so, you can start pushing. This may be a bit awkward at first, but we will guide you through this. The duration of the pressing phase varies.

Umbilical cord and placenta

After birth, we wait a while before cutting the umbilical cord, so that the baby still receives the necessary nutrients from the placenta. The placenta then follows at its own pace.

And if things turn out differently?

Although we strive for a smooth and natural birth, we understand that deliveries sometimes go differently than expected. We always have medical supplies with us just in case. Emergency situations are rare, but when they do arise, we are well prepared to take the right steps and collaborate with the gynecologist if necessary.

We hope this information helps you gain a better understanding of the childbirth process. Remember that every birth is unique and we are here to support you no matter how your journey goes. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to guide you and your baby safely and with care on this wonderful journey to motherhood.

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