Midwives Lelystad

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Placenta Praevia ‌Totalis – Midwives Lelystad

What is Placenta Praevia Totalis and how do you recognize it?

Placenta praevia totalis, also known as complete placenta praevia, occurs when the placenta completely covers the cervix. This can cause various problems during pregnancy and childbirth. Key symptoms to look out for include clear, painless vaginal bleeding in the second or third trimester. ‍Also‌, women with this condition may experience abdominal pain or back pain. It is "crucial" to quickly seek medical attention for these symptoms to ensure the health of both mother and child.

    • Bright, painless blood loss
    • Pain ⁢in the abdomen or low⁢ back
    • Possible early contractions

Diagnosing placenta praevia totalis can usually be done with an ultrasound. ⁢If suspected, your midwife will probably do a transvaginal ultrasound recommend, because it offers a lot of detail. During pregnancy, certain lifestyle adjustments and regular medical supervision can ensure a safer outcome.

Symptom Description
Blood loss Clear and painless
Abdominal or back pain Mild to moderate pain
Early contractions Irregular, painful

Symptoms and risk factors: What you need to know

Bee Placenta Praevia Totalis the placenta lies completely over the cervix. This can cause various symptoms, such as bright red blood loss without pain, especially in the third trimester. In addition, some women feel mild abdominal pain or discomfort. However, it is important to remember that blood loss without pain is not always a sign of danger. However, it is wise to always consult your midwife if you experience this. There are also various risk factors that can increase the risk of Placenta Praevia Totalis. ⁣These‍include:

    • Pregnancy of multiple births
    • Smoking during pregnancy
    • An unusual shape of the uterus

The diagnosis is usually made ⁣by means of⁤ a ultrasound. Know that careful planning and timely medical intervention can help reduce complications.


Symptom Frequency
Blood loss High
Stomach ache Mediocre

Diagnosis and Medical Evaluation: Step by Step


Bee Placenta ⁣Praevia Totalis the placenta is completely over the cervix. This can cause various complications, especially during childbirth. For a thorough diagnosis and medical evaluation, there are a number of steps to follow:

    • Ultrasound:⁤ This is usually‍ the first step. The exact position of the placenta can be determined using sound waves.
    • Blood tests: This helps to identify possible anemia or other blood-related issues.
    • MRI scan: In some cases, an MRI may be necessary to obtain more detailed images of the placenta and uterus.

At Midwives Lelystad we ensure that you are guided step by step through the process. We take the time to explain everything thoroughly and answer any questions. Here's an overview of what you can expect during the evaluation:


Step Description
First consultation Explanation and first ultrasound
Follow-up research Extensive ultrasound and blood tests
Conclusion Diagnosis and treatment plan

Treatment options: What are your choices

Placenta praevia totalis can be quite serious, but fortunately there are several treatment options you can consider. Your healthcare provider will provide you with extensive information about your specific situation. Common treatment choices are:

    • Adjustment of Activities: Sometimes bed rest is recommended to minimize bleeding. This may mean that you need to adjust your daily routine.
    • Drug treatment: Medications may be prescribed to reduce uterine contractions or to help your baby's lungs mature for an early birth.

However, for some women a more intensive approach may be necessary. In certain cases a premature birth via caesarean section planned to avoid possible complications. Below you will find a table with the differences between planned caesarean section and emergency caesarean section:

Aspect Planned Caesarean section Emergency caesarean section
Time of day Scheduled in advance Independent of planning, often suddenly
Risks Lower‌ risks through preparation Higher⁤ risks due to urgent nature
Stress level Average, due to preparation High, due to unexpected situation

The choice of treatment will ultimately depend on your medical history, your current condition and of course the health of your baby. At Midwives Lelystad we are here to support you and provide personal advice for your specific situation.

Lifestyle and self-care ⁢tips for pregnant women with Placenta Praevia Totalis

When you are dealing with placenta praevia totalis, it is important to adjust your lifestyle and pay extra attention to self-care. Here are some tips that may help you:

    • Rest and relaxation: It is crucial to get enough rest and avoid stress as much as possible. Try to do relaxation exercises every day, such as yoga or meditation.
    • Healthy food: Eat balanced meals with lots of fruits, vegetables and fiber. This will keep your energy and your baby's health high.
    • Hydration: Make sure you drink enough water. This not only helps with blood circulation but also in preventing dehydration.

Moreover, it is wise to adjust your activities to avoid complications. Here are some guidelines:

Activity Amendment
Physical exercise Avoid strenuous efforts such as heavy lifting and sports.
Homework Share tasks with your partner. Avoid standing and bending for long periods of time.
Work Consider part-time work or working from home if possible.

By following these tips, you can take better care of yourself during your pregnancy. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact one of our expert midwives at Midwives Lelystad!


And there you have it: everything you need to know about placenta praevia totalis. We hope that you now have a better understanding of what this condition entails and what to expect if you encounter it. ⁤As always, we at Midwives Lelystad remain ready to support you with expert advice and personal care.

Do you have any questions or would you like to know more about this subject? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is always ready to help and guide you, from the first ultrasound to delivery and beyond. Because at Midwives Lelystad⁤ it's all about you and your baby.

Thank you for reading and don't forget: every pregnancy is unique and we are here to help you and your family through this special time.

See you soon!

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