Midwives Lelystad

ovulatiepijn Verloskundigen Lelystad

Ovulation pain

Do you sometimes feel a prick in your lower abdomen and wonder what it is? Maybe it's ovulation pain! About one in five women experience this during ovulation. But what does it mean and how do you deal with it? Let's figure it out together. Midwives Lelystad we are here to answer all your questions and support you, from your cycle to your pregnancy. Worried? Just give us a call – we are here for you, always!

A little more: that stitch may come as a surprise, but it is often a normal sign from your body. It is part of your fertile days, and we help you understand it.

What exactly is ovulation pain?

Ovulation pain—also called *mittelschmerz*, which means “middle pain”—is that feeling you get around ovulation, usually halfway through your cycle. It can be a mild cramp or a sharp twinge, and can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. The good news is that it’s usually no big deal, but sometimes it’s a sign of something else you should keep an eye on.

Bonus: The word comes from German, because it’s right in the middle of your cycle – clever idea, right? It’s your body’s way of letting you know something’s happening!

How does it feel?

Everyone feels it differently – for some it’s a sharp prick, for others a nagging feeling. It’s often on one side of your abdomen, depending on which ovary is releasing the egg that month. Left, right, or even alternating – it can all be.

  • Sharp prick: A quick, firm stitch that is gone in no time.
  • Soft whining: A dull cramp that lingers for a long time.
  • One side: Usually either the left or right – where your ovary is working.
  • Varied: One cycle here, another there.

Learn more: It's a personal thing - some women barely notice it, others feel it well. It also varies from month to month.

What causes it?

We don’t know 100% for sure why it hurts, but there are ideas. Maybe the follicle – that sac with your egg – grows so much that it presses on your ovary. Or it bursts to release the egg, and a little blood or fluid pricks your peritoneum. That can cause a little bleeding – nothing crazy, but you feel it.

Extra: Think of a balloon blowing up – that follicle stretches, and when it pops, it can give a smack. It’s your body’s nature at work!

How long does it last?

It varies – sometimes a few minutes, sometimes hours, or even up to two days. How strong it is also varies per cycle. One time a sigh, the other time a clear “ouch”. It is normal that it is not always the same.

More: It's a short thing - your body resets quickly. But if it lasts longer, it's worth checking.

Ovulation pain or something else?

Most of the time it is harmless, but be careful: if the pain is ruining your day, it is wise to call. It can sometimes indicate something like endometriosis, scars, a STD, or fibroids. Are you in doubt? At Midwives Lelystad we think along with you – we are in Lelystad, ready to help you!

Extra: your body gives signals - usually good, sometimes a hint. We look further if necessary.

When should you pay attention?

Some signals require action:

  • Pain that gets in the way of your life.
  • More than three days of nagging.
  • Pain with fever, nausea or vomiting.
  • Pain with strange discharge or blood.

If in doubt, call your GP or us – together we will investigate and find what you need.

More: It's your body - you know it best. If it's not right, we take it seriously.

What are you doing about it yourself?

You can often make it softer yourself:

  • Painkiller: A paracetamol eating something often helps.
  • Heat: Hot water bottle or warm bath – relaxes your muscles.
  • Move: Walking or swimming boosts your endorphins.
  • Peace: Breathing exercises or meditation calms.
  • Tea: Chamomile or ginger – works against inflammation.

Bonus: It’s not rocket science – simple things make a difference. Try what works for you!

Ovulation Pain and Making a Baby

That pain can reveal your fertile days – handy if you want to get pregnant! Your ovulation is often around that feeling, so you are at your peak. But it is not a stopwatch – ovulation tests are sharper to catch your moment.

More: it's a hint, not a guarantee – your body will give you a signal, but a test will give you certainty.

Midwives Lelystad: Your support

At Verloskundigen Lelystad we understand that you are unique – your cycle, your pregnancy, everything. From your first bleeding to your delivery, we are there with personal tips and care. Questions? Call us at Lelystad – we will take you through it, step by step.

Extra: you are not a number - we see you. Together we make your journey comfortable and clear.

If there is more to it

Sometimes that pain is a signal of something bigger:

  • Endometriosis: Uterine tissue outside your uterus.
  • Scars: Old surgical stuff that irritates your ovary.
  • STD: Inflammation that causes pain.
  • Cysts: Blisters that ache when they are large.

Bonus: It’s rare, but good to know – your body talks, we listen.


Ovulation pain is a normal thing – one in five women experience it around ovulation. It is often not a problem and goes away on its own. Listen to your body, get some rest or warmth, and if you don't trust it, we at Verloskundigen Lelystad are here for you. Together we keep it good, whatever your phase!

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Take good care of yourself and your future little one!

With warm regards,

Midwives Lelystad
Address: Badweg 21, 8223 PA Lelystad
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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