Midwives Lelystad


Ovulation Induction

Hello to all people with a desire to have children! If you want to get pregnant but your cycle is a bit of a mess or you are not ovulating, ovulation induction can be a great solution. Midwives Lelystad At Lelystad we understand that this is an exciting time, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Just a little more: Getting pregnant can be a challenge, but with the right care we can make your path clearer – a helping hand!

What exactly is ovulation induction?

Ovulation induction is a smart treatment where medicines boost your ovulation. It helps when your body does not release an egg naturally – or not often enough.

More: it's a boost for your body – a natural kickstart to get your cycle going!

When is it right for you?

This method can be a solution in all kinds of cases:

  • PCOS: A hormonal kink that messes up your ovulation.
  • Alternating cycle: If you have less than ten ovulations per year.
  • Hormonal disturbances: In case of too little FSH or if your ovaries don't cooperate with your brain.

Important: It will not work if your ovaries are almost empty, such as in early menopause.

Extra: it is tailor-made – your situation determines whether it is your solution!

How does it work?

There are several medications to stimulate your ovulation:

  • Letrozole: Often the first choice – simple and powerful, it pushes your pituitary gland to make more FSH.
  • Clomid: Useful if PCOS is not an issue, but your ovulation still falters.
  • FSH injections: These shots directly stimulate your ovaries to grow eggs.

During the ride they check you often – with vaginal ultrasounds you can see how your follicles are growing, and sometimes they test your blood to measure your hormones.

More: it's a process – your body is getting help, and we're keeping a close eye on it!

What do we do at Midwives Lelystad?

At Verloskundigen Lelystad we are your pillar of support. The treatment itself is often in a hospital, but we help you as follows:

  • Explanation and advice: We make everything clear and answer your questions.
  • A warm heart: Trying to have children can be tough – we listen and support you.
  • Pregnancy ready: Tips for a fit body and folic acid use.

Extra: you are not alone – we are your team, also outside the clinic!

Live smart and your BMI

A healthy vibe helps your treatment:

  • Stop with smoking: That gives your body air.
  • Healthy weight: Carrying too many pounds can make things more difficult and increase risks.
  • Folic acid: A must for a strong start.

There is often a BMI rule – ask your doctor what your limit is.

More: Small steps – one less apple and one less cigarette – make a big difference!

Side effects and risks

It's a medical boost, so there may be some things:

  • Headache or tired: Typical with these pills.
  • Multiple births: Your ovaries can make extra eggs – hello, twin chances!
  • Overdrive: Rarely do your ovaries overwork – this is called overstimulation.

Talk to your doctor or us if you feel anything – we will keep an eye on you.

Your chances?

The chance of pregnancy depends on why it doesn't work, what medication you take, and your age. With Letrozole 70-80% ovulation occurs, and more than half are pregnant within 6-12 months. With injections it is 90% ovulation, but the chance of pregnancy remains the same.

Bonus: it's a boost – no guarantee, but a solid chance!

Isala and more

For ovulation induction you can go to Isala in Zwolle or Kampen – they also have branches in Meppel, Steenwijk and Heerde. Emergency outside of working hours? Call Isala and ask for the fertility doctor. We at Verloskundigen Lelystad support your entire journey!

Want to know more?

Questions about ovulation induction or pregnancy? Call us at Midwives Lelystad – we are here for you!

Stay informed!

Follow us on social media for updates and a look behind the scenes at Verloskundigen Lelystad – tips, stories and more!

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Take good care of yourself and your future little one!

With warm regards,

Midwives Lelystad
Address: Badweg 21, 8223 PA Lelystad
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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