Midwives Lelystad


Orgasm and getting pregnant

Are you busy trying to conceive and wondering if an orgasm will help you? Or are you maybe in your head because you don't always feel it and think that it will reduce your chances? At Midwives Lelystad we understand that these kinds of questions can keep you busy. That is why we have created this blog for you, to help you on your way with clear, solid information.

A little more: Getting pregnant can be a mix of excitement and fun – and we want you to take it easy. Let’s break it down so you know where you stand!

It's about how good it is, not how often

Forget that idea that you are non-stop sex must have to get pregnant – that’s an urban legend! Studies show that how good it feels is more important than how often you do it. If you and your partner are really in the mood, your body will follow suit – better blood flow and more moisture give sperm a faster route to your egg. So don’t make it a must – make it a moment you enjoy together.

Bonus: It’s not a race – a good vibe helps more than a schedule. Relaxed lovemaking is your best start.

Does an orgasm make a difference for her?

There’s been research into what a female orgasm does to your chances of getting pregnant. A 2016 study found that women who had an orgasm 15% retained more fluid—fluid with sperm in it, which keeps sperm alive longer. But beware: that study isn’t the whole story—it’s too small to say for sure that this is how it works. You don’t have to have an orgasm to get pregnant, but it can be a bonus.

More: It's a nice extra, not a must - your body can do without it. But if it works, why not?

Do those contractions help?

One idea is that your vagina and uterus contract during orgasm, giving the sperm a boost towards your cervix. It makes sense – a kind of natural turbo. After sex, lying down for a while – legs up if you want – keeps the sperm inside longer, which can boost your chances.

Bonus: Think mini-lift – those muscles are doing their thing. It’s not a guarantee, but it’s a smart move.

Not too often – quality wins

Having sex every day sounds like a plan, but too many ejaculations can make your sperm less potent. Having sex every other day during your fertile days is better – sperm can last up to four days, so there’s no need to overdo it. Timing is key, not quantity.

More: Give your body a rest – a day in between keeps sperm in top shape. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Myths and Facts About Orgasms

There are wild stories floating around – like that not having an orgasm will ruin your chances. Nonsense! Studies actually say that having an orgasm after sex can boost your chances – those contractions push sperm forward. So not having one is not a disaster, but having one can be a plus.

Bonus: Let go of the myths – you don’t have to feel fireworks to get pregnant. It helps, but it doesn’t have to.

Relaxation is gold

One thing is for sure: chilling and having fun is crucial. Stress destroys your fertility – it makes your body a mess. So skip the performance pressure and enjoy – do what makes you happy, keep it close and real.

More: A relaxed vibe is your friend – tension is your enemy. Laughing together helps more than you think.

When is the moment?

For the best chance, have sex around ovulation – sperm wait up to five days, so start a few days before. An ovulation test or tracking your cycle will tell you when it’s time – so you don’t miss your fertile window.

Bonus: Timing is everything – ovulation is short, but sperm is patient. A test will make it sharp.

Midwives Lelystad: your backup

At Verloskundigen Lelystad in Lelystad we are here for you and your partner – from your first questions to your pregnancy. We understand that these kinds of topics can fill your head, and we take the time to explain them. Orgasms, getting pregnant, whatever – we are your team. We make your path to parenthood clear and relaxed.

More: you are not a number, we see you. Together we make sure you start with a good feeling.

Extra tips to score

  • Do you know days: Take an ovulation test or track your cycle.
  • Regularity: Having sex every other day around your ovulation is ideal.
  • Prediction: Take your time – excitement helps.
  • Attitude: Try something comfy – fun counts.
  • Live smart: Eat well, exercise, skip stress and drink.

Extra: these are small things – but they add up. Midwives Lelystad supports you in Lelystad!


We hope you now see how orgasms and getting pregnant are connected – it can help, but it doesn’t have to. Enjoy together, keep it relaxed, and if you get stuck, call us at Midwives Lelystad. We’re here to boost your chances and tackle your questions – your pregnancy deserves a great start!

Stay informed!

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Take good care of yourself and your future little one!

With warm regards,

Midwives Lelystad
Address: Badweg 21, 8223 PA Lelystad
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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