Midwives Lelystad

Midwife's friends book Nomy​

Foto van Nomy Verloskundigen Lelystad

Click on the questions to see the answers.

1. What is your nickname and why? +

Freckles, since in the summer I am covered from head to toe in freckles.

2. What is your superpower (besides delivering babies) +

My superpower is humor, I always make everyone laugh.

3. What was your childhood dream? +

As a child I always wanted to be a veterinarian.

4. What is a fact about you that you don't usually tell but secretly want to reveal? +

I came 3rd at the Brabant Athletics Championships in the javelin throwing event.

5. Are there things that you secretly find difficult and for which you admire others? +

I admire others for their courage, for example I would love to stand on stage and dare to sing in front of a very large audience.

6. What do you like to eat when you have time to sit quietly after a busy shift? +

A delicious pasta or, if possible, sushi.

7. What does your ideal day off look like? +

I really like being out and about and I prefer to meet up with friends.

8. Are you a morning person or a night owl (or both because of your job)? +

I am 100% a night owl, staying up all night is no problem for me.

9. What does your ideal holiday look like? +

Sun, sea, beach, friends, fun outings and a nice drink here and there.

10. What is a moment in your life that you always look back on with a smile? +

My first birth that I did completely independently.

11. What's the best spontaneous decision you've ever made? +

Moving to Dronten to work here!

12. When and how was your first contact with maternity care? +

My first contact with maternity care was my very first internship as a nurse in maternity care.

13. What's the most hilarious thing you've ever experienced during childbirth? +

When the pushing started, the membranes broke and because of the pressure, the entire amniotic fluid came over me and it dripped from my eyelashes. Immediately after that, the baby's head was there and the baby was born, the parents looked at me and looked at the parents and we were laughing.

14. What would you do if you had to wait in a delivery room for an hour? +

Put on some music and sing along.

15. What is your “midwifery life motto”? +

Every pregnancy is a journey and I have the honor of taking it with you.

16. If you had to choose: always a water birth or always a stormy home birth? +

Bath birth

17. What's your favorite baby name of late? +


18. What music do you have playing in the car when you're on duty? +

Sing-along songs (pop music), hardstyle or rock music.

19. What is your favorite snack during a long shift (or during labor)? +

Rice cakes.

20. If people were to describe you, how would you want people to remember you? +

A cheerful, empathetic and sociable person full of energy.

21. If you were to give birth yourself, what would your ideal birth look like? And who would be there? +

I would really like to give birth at home in a bath, music is very important to me so I will make a playlist in advance and put it on. My partner and midwife will be present at my birth.

22. If you had a time machine and could relive one moment in history, what would it be? +

The day I heard that I had passed my midwifery test.

23. If you could give one last piece of advice to all pregnant women, what would it be? +

Take time to stand still and enjoy this special moment; every experience is unique and valuable.

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