Midwives Lelystad

We believe it is important to share reliable information about all aspects of pregnancy and birth. A topic that often remains underexposed, but is common, is miscarriages. If you have experienced one yourself or know someone who has, you know how difficult and drastic it can be. We hope this information provides you with support and insight during a difficult period. Let's look together at what exactly a miscarriage entails, what causes there are and how you can take care of yourself after such a loss.

What is a miscarriage

Wat is een miskraam - Verloskundigen Lelystad

⁤A miscarriage occurs when a pregnancy ends before the baby can survive outside the womb. It often occurs in the first trimester and can have several causes, such as genetic abnormalities, hormonal problems or health complications in the mother. Although it can be an emotionally difficult experience, it is important to know that it is nothing to be ashamed of.

Symptoms of a miscarriage

Symptoms vary from person to person, but the most common signs include:

    • Cramps
    • Bleeding
    • Pain in the lower back

Recognizing these symptoms can help you seek medical attention in a timely manner. Our team at Midwives Lelystad is always ready to support and guide you. Our mission is to help you understand what is happening and how you can best take care of yourself.

What does blood loss mean in the beginning of pregnancy?

Experiencing blood loss in the early stages of pregnancy can be frightening, but it is not always a sign of miscarriage. There are several causes for blood loss and not all lead to a bad ending. Often blood loss is caused by things such as implantation bleeding, which occur when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. This is a completely normal process that usually occurs around the same time that your period would occur. This can be confusing, but is generally not a cause for concern.

Sometimes blood loss can also be caused by: hormonal changes or a tender cervix. During pregnancy, your hormone levels can fluctuate, sometimes resulting in bleeding. The cervix may also be more sensitive due to the increased blood supply, which can cause minor bleeding after intercourse, for example. Although it is important to always contact your midwife for advice, there are some common causes of blood loss that do not cause an immediate need to panic:

    • Implantation bleeding
    • Hormonal ⁣changes
    • Tender cervix
Cause Duration What to do?
Implantation bleeding 1-2 days Check, but stay calm
Hormonal changes Occasionally Consultation with midwife
Tender cervix Variable If in doubt, consult

What are the causes of a miscarriage?

Oorzaak van een Miskraam - Verloskundigen Lelystad

A miscarriage can have many different causes. ⁣It is usually caused by genetic abnormalities in the embryo. Other factors may also play a role, such as hormonal changes or health problems in the mother. Still, it's important to know that most women who have had a miscarriage can later experience a healthy pregnancy. Other causes may include:

    • Infections, such as rubella or cytomegalovirus.
    • Chronic diseases, such as diabetes or thyroid disorders.
    • Lifestyle factors, such as smoking, alcohol consumption‍ or drug use.
    • External factors,⁢ such as exposure to harmful substances.

To provide an overview of some common causes and possible solutions, we have put together a table for you below:

Cause Possible solutions
Genetic abnormalities Genetic advice
Chronic diseases Medical treatment
Lifestyle factors Healthier living
Infections Medication and⁤ vaccination

Symptoms of a miscarriage

A miscarriage can cause many different physical and emotional symptoms. It is essential to recognize these symptoms early⁢ so that you can receive the right care. Common signs include:

    • Vaginal bleeding ranging from light to heavy
    • Cramping abdominal pain that feels like menstrual cramps
    • Loss of pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and tenderness in the breasts

In addition to these physical signals, there are also emotional symptoms that often occur. Experiencing a miscarriage can cause a lot of stress and sadness. It is completely normal to grieve and have feelings of guilt or anger. That is why we at Midwives Lelystad always offer emotional support. If you need practical tips for dealing with these feelings, check out our tools and resources designed specifically for you.

Blood loss

One of the most common symptoms of a miscarriage is . Although it can be a frightening experience, it is important to know that miscarriage does not always mean immediate occurrence. In some cases there may be innocent bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy. However, it could also mean that something else is going on, such as an infection or other medical complication. So, always be alert and contact your midwife if in doubt.

    • Colour: The blood can vary from light pink to dark brown.
    • Frequency: It can occur continuously or in peaks.
    • Intensity: From light spotting to menstrual-like bleeding.

At first glance it may be difficult to judge for yourself. It is therefore wise to always consult with a specialist in case of any form of bleeding. Here we have a brief overview of ⁢possible causes and their characteristics:

Cause Characteristics
Innocent bleeding Light, no painful cramps
Miscarriage More severe, often with cramps
Infection Additional symptoms such as fever

What is the chance of a miscarriage?

Miscarriages are more common than you might think. The risk of miscarriage varies per pregnancy, but in general approximately 10-20% of confirmed pregnancies end in miscarriage. This is usually due to genetic abnormalities or other health problems that affect the embryo during its early development. It is important to realize that many women experience a miscarriage and that you are absolutely not alone in this. Here are some factors that can increase the risk of miscarriage:

    • Age of the mother (above 35 years)
    • A history of previous miscarriages
    • Underlying health conditions (e.g. diabetes or⁢ thyroid disorders)
    • Unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol consumption)
Factor Chance increase
Age ‌above 35 years Increased risk⁣
2‍ or more previous miscarriages Significantly higher
Smoking Up to 25% more likely

Although the risk of miscarriage is real, there is also good news: most women who have a miscarriage later have a successful pregnancy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and receiving regular medical care can increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy. Our midwives⁢ at Midwives Lelystad are always there to help you through these challenging times and provide you with the best care and support.

What is the chance of miscarriage per age group?

The risk of miscarriage varies considerably per age category. Research shows that women under the age of 35 have an approximately 15% chance of having a miscarriage. This percentage gradually increases over the years. When a woman is between 35 and 39 years old, the risk increases to approximately 20-25%. For women aged 40 and over, the risk is even higher, around 35-40%. It's important to understand that these figures are averages and that individual factors such as health, lifestyle and genetics also play a role. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult with a medical professional for personalized advice.

    • Under 35 years: 15%
    • 35-39 years: 20-25%
    • 40 years and older: 35-40%

At Midwives Lelystad we are there to support and inform you throughout your entire pregnancy, even if it ends in a miscarriage. We believe it is important to help you understand and process these emotional experiences. We encourage you to be open about your concerns and questions; Our team is ready with expert advice and a listening ear. In the event of a miscarriage, we will contact you several times as standard, so that you do not have to do it all alone. Because we know how important it is to be well informed, we keep you informed of the latest research and advice so that you can always make the best choices.

What to do in case of a miscarriage?

If you are experiencing a miscarriage, it is essential to know what steps you can take. It is understandable that you have questions or concerns. Here are some important things to keep in mind to help you get through this difficult time:

    • Seek immediate medical attention: Contact us as your midwife for advice.
    • Support from loved ones: Talk to your partner, friends and family about what you are going through.
    • Rest and recovery: Give yourself time to recover both physically and emotionally. ⁢Make sure you get enough rest and sleep.

Here at Midwives Lelystad, we understand how difficult this experience can be. To better prepare you, we have listed some practical steps:

Step Description
Medical aftercare Make an appointment for a check-up with us as your midwife.
Emotional support Consider talking to a therapist, as a miscarriage can have a major emotional impact
Next steps If necessary, plan future pregnancies with us so that you are well informed before you become pregnant again.

Ultrasound examination

If it is doubtful whether blood loss may be the cause of a miscarriage, an ultrasound can provide a definitive answer. The ultrasound looks at a number of things, including:

    • Heart rate confirmation: Check whether the heart is beating as expected.
    • Fetal growth: Whether the baby is developing at the appropriate term.
    • Placenta location: To see if it is in a safe place.
    • Amniotic fluid: The amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby.

Because we understand that waiting can be stressful, you will immediately receive the results during the ultrasound. If the result is not good, we will contact you as soon as possible to hear how you are doing and to be there for you.

Wait until the miscarriage occurs spontaneously

When you are told during the ultrasound that you are unfortunately having a miscarriage, all kinds of things go through your mind. The first questions are often how this could have happened, what could have been the cause, and then the question usually arises: what now? We understand that you have many questions and that is why we will contact you several times, even in the event of a miscarriage. We will discuss whether you want to wait until the miscarriage starts on its own (wait until the bleeding starts, if you have not already had this). During this time, symptoms can range from light bleeding and cramps to heavier bleeding and severe abdominal pain. Although this process can be emotionally difficult, for some women it feels more natural than medical interventions. That is why it is important to be thoroughly informed and to stay in good contact with your midwife.

In addition, there are some important tips to keep in mind while waiting:

    • Listen to your body and give yourself space to rest.
    • Have a supportive network of friends and family around you.
    • Keep a diary to record your emotions and physical well-being.
    • Contact your midwife if you experience extreme pain or notice abnormal bleeding.

Together with us as your midwife you can make the best decisions for your situation. If there are complications, medical treatment can still be discussed. This is, for example, if you develop a fever or if you continue to have prolonged bleeding and the abdominal pain is not controlled with pain relief.

How does a spontaneous miscarriage happen?

A spontaneous miscarriage can be emotionally and physically demanding. The process usually starts with light bleeding, which gradually becomes more severe. Women may also experience cramps or abdominal pain, similar to menstrual pain, but sometimes much more intense. Over time, the body will expel the pregnancy tissue. In most cases, this process takes several days to a few weeks. However, some women require additional medical support⁢to complete the process⁣, such as medication or a minor surgical procedure known as⁤ curretage.

It is important to know what to expect during a spontaneous miscarriage:

    • Bleeding: ⁢ This can vary from light spotting to heavy bleeding.
    • Cramps: Usually intense, referred to normal menstruation.
    • Emotional impact: It can be stressful and sad.
Symptom Description
Light ⁢bleeds Spotting, similar to normal menstruation
Heavy bleeding More intense than a regular period
Stomach cramps Menstrual-like pain, but often stronger

Midwives Lelystad recommend contacting your midwife if you have any questions or need extra support during this sad process.

What is the chance of a complete miscarriage?

At Midwives Lelystad we know that every pregnancy is unique. Still, there are some common factors and figures surrounding miscarriages that many women want to know. The chance of a complete miscarriage varies greatly depending on different circumstances. For example, approximately 80% of miscarriages happen in the first trimester, often before the woman knows she is pregnant. This can be especially troubling, but it can help to know that most miscarriages occur due to natural causes.

There are some risks that can increase the chance of miscarriage, but it doesn't mean you can't do anything. Here are some factors that may play a role:

    • Age: Women over 35 have a slightly higher chance of miscarriage.
    • Lifestyle: Smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity can increase risks.
    • Health: ⁣Chronic conditions such as diabetes or thyroid problems can have an influence.

We understand this can be sensitive, which is why we provide comprehensive support and information. Below are some statistics that may help you:

Factors Risk of miscarriage
Age 20-35 15%
Age 35-39 20 – 25%
Age 40+ 35 – 40%

By being aware of these factors and taking active steps, you can reduce some of the risk. Stay in touch with your midwife for personal advice and guidance.

What are the risks and complications?

Various risks and complications can occur with a miscarriage. First of all, there are physical complaints, such as heavy blood loss, cramps and infections. Sometimes medical intervention is necessary to remove residual material from the uterus, which can lead to scar formation. In addition to the physical consequences, the emotional impact is also significant. Women may experience feelings of sadness, guilt and even anger, which affects their daily lives and relationships. For that reason, it is essential to provide not only medical, but also emotional support.

Although most miscarriages pass without long-term complications, there are situations where extra care is needed. ⁢You can think of:

    • Recurrent miscarriages: When a woman has had three or more miscarriages in a row.
    • Infection:‍ If fever and severe pain occur, there may be an infection that requires antibiotics.
Complication Symptoms
Heavy blood loss Dizzy, ‍feeling weak
Infection Fever, severe pain

Our midwives at Midwives Lelystad are always ready to help you through this difficult time. Whether you need physical or emotional support, we offer a listening ear and the necessary advice to move forward.

In addition, there are several medical options to consider, depending on how your body copes with the miscarriage. Some people choose to let it proceed naturally, while others consider medication or a procedure such as a curettage. Here's a quick comparison:

Option Advantages Cons
Natural progression – Less drastic
– Follow natural process
– May take longer
– Emotionally heavy
Medication – ‍Speeds up the process
– Home treatment
- Possible side effects
– Can be painful
Curettage - Quick solution
– Under medical supervision
– Surgical intervention
– Recovery period required

Whether you choose natural waiting, medication, or surgical intervention, make sure you choose the option that feels best for you and your body. Take time to consider your options and discuss them with your midwife; they are there to support you.

What pain relief during a miscarriage?

During a miscarriage, both physical and emotional complaints can occur. Various forms of pain relief are available to relieve the pain. Over-the-counter medications, such as paracetamol, are often the first choice. These are easily available and can provide quick relief. It is important not to exceed the recommended dosage and always read the package leaflet. When the pain is more severe , your doctor may prescribe other, stronger painkillers. Ibuprofen or other NSAIDs can also help reduce inflammation and swelling. In some cases, acupuncture or massage therapy can also provide relief. Remember to always consult your midwife or doctor before starting any new treatment.

Medicine Advantages Cons
Paracetamol safe, effective no anti-inflammatory effect
Ibuprofen reduces inflammation can cause stomach upset
Acupuncture Naturally expensive, time consuming

Medicines to accelerate the miscarriage

In the event of a miscarriage, it may sometimes be necessary to speed up the natural process to reduce physical and emotional stress. There are various medications available that can help with this. Misoprostol is one of the most commonly prescribed medications. It helps the uterus to contract, making the miscarriage faster. This medication is often inserted vaginally for best effect. The use of medication to accelerate a miscarriage should always be done in consultation with your midwife or doctor.

In addition, there are some things you should take into account when taking these medications:

    • The possibility of side effects such as cramps, nausea and heavy bleeding.
    • Time: It may take several hours to days for the medication to take effect.
    • After using the medication, a check-up appointment with the midwife is necessary to verify that the miscarriage is complete.
Medicine Function Side effects
Misoprostol Uterine contraction Cramps, bleeding, nausea

What is Misoprostol (Cytotec©)?

Wat is Misoprostol - Verloskundigen Lelystad

Misoprostol, known by its brand name Cytotec©, is a drug that is often used in medical situations such as inducing a miscarriage. This medication helps loosen the uterine wall tissue when a pregnancy needs to be terminated early. Misoprostol is usually used in combination with mifespristone to increase its effectiveness. However, when using Misoprostol, there are some things you should pay attention to, such as possible side effects and correct use.

Important‍points to remember when using Misoprostol are:

    • Side effects: Nausea, abdominal cramps and minor bleeding are common. In rare cases, more serious complications can occur.
    • Dosage: Always follow the instructions of your midwife or doctor carefully.
    • Aftercare: Make sure you get enough rest and consult with your healthcare provider about what you can expect in the coming days.

At Midwives Lelystad we are ready to support you during this process. Our midwives provide you with the necessary information and aftercare, so that you know exactly what to expect.

Matter Description
Duration of Effect Up to 48 hours
Seek help with Severe ‌pain⁢ or heavy bleeding
Contact Call Midwives Lelystad immediately

What Are the Risks and Complications of Misoprostol?

Using Misoprostol to induce a miscarriage may be associated with some risks and complications. It is important to be well informed before taking this step. Possible side effects include severe abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. In some cases, women may also experience fever or chills. So it is essential to keep a close eye on these symptoms.

    • Severe⁢ abdominal pain: may indicate a complication.
    • Fever and chills: are symptoms that may indicate an infection.
    • Nausea and diarrhea: are common but usually go away on their own.

Although most women do not experience serious complications, there are always risks associated with drug treatments. For example, if the pregnancy is not completely terminated, a follow-up procedure may be necessary. Additionally, if there are signs of an infection, such as a persistent fever, it is imperative to contact your healthcare provider immediately. Always consult your midwife or doctor for further guidelines and professional guidance.

What is Mifepristone⁢ (Mifegyne©)

Wat is Mifepriston - Verloskundigen Lelystad

Mifepristone (Mifegyne©) is a medication that is often used to support termination of pregnancy in the early stages. This drug works by blocking the hormone progesterone,⁣ which is essential for maintaining a pregnancy. Mifepristone is usually combined with another medicine, misoprostol, which causes uterine contractions and helps expel the pregnancy. This process can resemble a natural miscarriage. It is important to know that this medication should only be used under medical supervision.

If you are prescribed Mifepristone, always follow the instructions of your midwife or doctor carefully. You will notice that there are some side effects such as nausea, bleeding and abdominal cramps. It may also be helpful to know that using Mifepristone is a safe and effective option for terminating early pregnancy. However, always consult a specialist for appropriate guidance and support. Remember that it can be morally and emotionally tough, so don't be afraid to seek support from friends, family or professionals.

Advantages Cons
Non-invasive Bleeding
Can be done at home Cramps

What are the risks and complications of Mifepristone?

The use of Mifepristone, a drug treatment for inducing miscarriage, carries certain risks and complications. Major side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and cramps. In some cases, these side effects can be quite intense, significantly affecting daily life. In addition, there is the possibility of heavy blood loss, which sometimes requires medical intervention, such as a curettage.

    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Cramps
    • Heavy blood loss

In addition, it is essential to know that approximately 1% of women may develop possible infections after using Mifepristone. This may make it necessary to undergo follow-up treatments. There is also a small risk of rare side effects, such as allergic reactions, that require immediate medical attention. If you have any doubts, we at Midwives Lelystad recommend that you always contact your healthcare provider for quick consultation and assistance.

Side effect Frequency Ernst
Nausea Often light
Heavy blood loss Sometimes Serious
Infection Rare Serious

How is the treatment with Misoprostol or Mifepristone?

Treatment with Misoprostol or Mifepristone is often used for early termination of pregnancy. These medications work together to remove pregnancy tissue from the uterus. ⁢First, Mifepristone is taken to block the hormone progesterone, which prevents the pregnancy from continuing. This is followed by Misoprostol which causes contractions and pushes the tissue outwards. The process‍can take anywhere from 4 to 24 hours, depending on how your body responds to the medications. Although it is an effective method, it can be associated with side effects such as cramps and bleeding. Always listen to your body and rest. Contact your midwife if you have severe pain, fever or other concerns. It's normal to feel emotional, so don't be afraid to seek support from friends or family. Here are some tips to make the experience a little more bearable:

    • Stay hydrated and eat light, nutritious meals.
    • Make sure you wear comfortable clothing and plenty of rest.
    • Place a heating pad on your abdomen to relieve cramps.

What should you do before treatment with Misoprostol or Mifepristone?

Before you start treatment with Misoprostol or Mifepristone, there are a few important steps you need to take. First, make sure you have an extensive conversation with your doctor or gynecologist. Ask them for detailed information about the procedure, possible side effects, and what to expect. It is crucial to have a clear picture of what is going to happen. ‌In addition, make a list of the medications you are currently taking. This ⁤will help your healthcare provider determine if there are any possible interactions.‍ Ensure that you fast before beginning‍ treatment unless otherwise⁤advised by your doctor. There are specific preparations you will need to make, including:

    • Arranging transport home after the treatment.
    • Preparing comfortable clothing.
    • Providing a peaceful environment where you can recover.
What to do Why
Discuss your situation with your doctor To be fully informed
Make a medication list For security reasons
Arrange transportation Safety after treatment

What is Curettage

In the event of a miscarriage, curettage may sometimes be necessary to clean the uterine lining. This procedure is performed by a gynecologist and often takes place under local or general anesthesia. This procedure helps remove any remaining tissue from the uterus, preventing infections. Whether you have just suffered a miscarriage or are still unsure about this procedure, it is important to know what to expect. Because we know this is a difficult time, our... midwives from Midwives Lelystad always ready to support you.

Here are some important things about curettage:

    • Procedure: The doctor will use a small, hollow instrument to remove the uterine lining.
    • Recovery time: You can usually go home the same day, but recovery may take several days.
    • Side effects: You may experience cramps and bleeding, but these are usually mild.
Aspect Details
Procedure Duration 20-30 minutes
Anesthesia Local or general
Recovery Less than​ a week

It is understandable that you have questions and concerns about this procedure. That's why we offer a safe environment where you can express your fears and doubts. Our experience shows that being well informed often helps when making decisions in these difficult times. ​ We are ready for you to guide you whatever your choice.

Considerations when making a choice Curettage

When considering a curettage, several factors come into play. It's important to consider all options and make the **right decision**⁢ for your health and well-being. One of the first things to consider is whether you would rather wait for a natural miscarriage or opt for the intervention. A natural miscarriage can take about 1 to 4 weeks and can be emotionally difficult. On the other hand, a curettage offers the opportunity to speed up the miscarriage process and move forward emotionally more quickly. Another point to consider is the safety and risks involved with a curettage. Although the procedure is generally safe, there are some risks such as infections, perforation of the uterus, and possible damage to the uterine lining. Below we have listed some advantages and disadvantages of a curettage versus a natural miscarriage:

Advantages Cons
Faster process Risk of infections
Medical supervision Emotional impact
Physically controlled Possible complications

What should you do prior to the curettage?

A curettage is a procedure performed to clean the uterine lining. To make this procedure as smooth as possible, there are a few steps you need to take in advance. Make sure you don't eat after midnight the night before the procedure and limit fluids. This helps to prevent nausea and other complications during the procedure. ⁤In addition, it is important to wear comfortable clothing on the day of the procedure.

At Midwives Lelystad we recommend that you take the following items with you to the hospital or medical center:

    • Identification: A valid ID and your health insurance card.
    • Comfortable clothes: ​Think of loose-fitting pants and a shirt.
    • Personal stuff: Such as your phone and possibly a book or magazine.

To put your mind at ease, we've put together a short table of facts and myths about curettage:

Fact Myth
The procedure usually takes no longer than 30 minutes. You will always experience severe pain.
You can go home the same day. You always have to stay in the hospital overnight.

By making these preparations, you can approach the procedure with more confidence and put yourself at ease.

How does the curettage proceed?

A⁣ curettage is a medical procedure in which the uterine cavity is cleaned. This is usually done under general anesthesia, which means that you are put to sleep and do not feel anything during the procedure. The procedure usually takes no longer than 10 to 20 minutes. The gynecologist will first insert a speculum to visualize the cervix and then use a thin tube to remove the uterine lining and any remaining tissue. After the procedure you may experience some cramps and blood loss, similar to a heavy menstruation.

After the procedure, it is important to take good care of yourself. Take it easy and avoid strenuous exercise for at least a few days. ​Make sure you get enough rest and listen to your body. Some women find support by talking about this with a midwife or other women who have experienced the same thing. This ‍can‍help you process emotions and gain understanding for ⁤what⁤ you have been through. Some tips to promote your recovery:

    • Take enough rest and avoid strenuous exercise.
    • If necessary, use a heating pad against cramps.
    • Follow the advice of your obstetrician or gynaecologist.
    • Give yourself time to recover emotionally.

Here⁣ is a brief overview of what you can expect after a curettage:

Symptom Duration
Blood loss 1-2 weeks
Cramps 1-7 days
Fatigue Several days to a week

Anti-D immune globulin

Anti-D immunoglobulin is an important treatment after miscarriage for women with a rhesus negative blood group. This injection helps prevent your immune system from producing antibodies against rhesus-positive blood. This is crucial, especially if you want to become pregnant in the future and your baby may have a rhesus-positive blood group.

At Midwives Lelystad we take your medical history and blood type into account to provide the best care. Check out some key facts below:

    • When: Within 72 hours after the miscarriage.
    • Why: Prevents possible complications in future pregnancies.
    • How: Administration via injection into the muscle, usually in the upper arm.

In addition, we would like to inform you about the reasons why this injection is specifically useful:

Rode Explanation
Prevent immune⁢ response Prevents the production of antibodies against rhesus-positive blood.
Future pregnancies Increases the chance of a healthy pregnancy in the future.

Remember that you should always talk to your midwife or doctor to determine what is best for your specific situation. We at Midwives Lelystad are always ready to support you in this.

Considerations after a miscarriage

It's understandable that making a choice, especially after a miscarriage, can be quite overwhelming. At Midwives Lelystad we are happy to help you through this difficult time. You may be considering whether or not to try to get pregnant again. A number of considerations can help you make the right decision. First of all, it is essential to listen to your own body and feelings. Take the time you need to grieve and prepare emotionally.

    • Talk to your partner or a good friend
    • Consult a healthcare provider to discuss your options
    • Consider an interim rest period to recover yourself physically and mentally

To guide you better, it may be useful to list some factors:

Factor Consideration
Physical recovery If the bleeding has stopped for 5 days and your pregnancy test is negative afterwards, you do not have to wait to become pregnant again.
Mental health Care for mental peace and processing emotions
Folic acid Do you want to become pregnant again? Then continue to use folic acid, even in between

Conclusion: the most important factor is your personal well-being. Take the time you need and don't be afraid to reach out for help. Bee Midwives Lelystad we are ready to support you, step by step.


Physical and psychological recovery after miscarriage

A miscarriage can have a serious impact both physically and emotionally. Physical recovery often starts with processing the blood loss and treating any pain. Important points of attention are:

    • Take enough rest;
    • Drink enough water;
    • Avoid strenuous physical exertion.

Although these steps seem simple, they can make a big difference. Sometimes a medical procedure, such as curettage, may be necessary to ensure that the uterus is empty. This may prolong the recovery process, but it is crucial for your overall health.

In addition to physical challenges, a miscarriage also brings psychological recovery. It's completely normal to experience a rollercoaster of emotions, from sadness and anger to guilt. To process these feelings:

    • Talk to a counselor;
    • If necessary, seek professional help;
    • Give yourself time to grieve.

At Midwives Lelystad we also offer discussion groups, where you can find support from other women who are in the same situation. This makes you feel less alone and allows you to exchange experiences.

Emotional after a miscarriage

Within our practice of Midwives Lelystad, it is very normal to go through a rollercoaster of emotions after a miscarriage. You may feel intensely sad, angry and even anxious. It is important to know that these intense emotions are part of the grieving process. That's why it's crucial to give yourself the time and space to process them. **Allow yourself** to cry, be angry or do nothing at all. Talking helps, so don't hesitate to seek support from your partner, family or friends. If you prefer, you can also consider seeking professional help.

    • Sadness: Let your tears flow freely.
    • Anger: Give your feelings space.
    • Anxiety: Share your concerns.

Besides, you're not alone. Many women experience similar feelings and it can help to hear stories from others. Research shows that talking about your experience can really speed up the coping process. We have put together a table to give you an overview of the most common emotions after a miscarriage and the possible ways to deal with them.

Emotion Suggestion to deal with this
Sadness Find a listening ear
Fury Play defensive sports
Fear Confide in someone

Do you have questions or are you worried?

It's completely normal to have questions or concerns, especially if you're in the middle of an emotional rollercoaster. Loss of a pregnancy can be overwhelming and confusing. Do you want to share your concerns but you don't know exactly how? Please feel free to contact our team of Midwives Lelystad. We are here to support you. To give you some clarity, we have collected a few important⁤ tips and facts:

    • Take your time: It is important to take rest and time for yourself to process emotions.
    • Talk about it: ⁣Share your feelings with your partner, friends or a professional.
    • Seek support: Join⁤ support groups or online communities.

In addition, we have put together a table with useful contact details:

Resource Contact
Parents of Now info@oudersvannu.nl
Association Freya freya.nl


Thank you for reading our article about miscarriages. We hope that you are now better informed about this sensitive topic and that you have found some useful tips to deal with. Remember that you are never alone in this situation; At Midwives Lelystad we are there to support you.

Do you have any questions or need personal guidance? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team of expert midwives is always ready to help you. Together we ensure that you receive the care and attention you deserve.

Continue to take good care of yourself and know that it's okay to ask for help. Until next time!

Dear greetings,

Midwives Lelystad

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