Midwives Lelystad

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You are pregnant! What now? – Midwives Lelystad

Je bent zwanger! Wat nu

Welcome to Midwives Lelystad, where your pregnancy journey is our priority. Find out here what the next steps are and how we can support you.

The first steps after discovering your pregnancy

Ontdekking van je Zwangerschap

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Whether it was a surprise or long-awaited, the discovery of a pregnancy brings with it a range of emotions and questions. Here's what you can expect:

  • Discovery of Pregnancy: Many women realize they are pregnant in the first trimester due to missed periods or symptoms such as nausea and fatigue.
  • Next Step: Making an appointment with Midwives Lelystad is your next step. Contact your doctor or us directly for an introductory meeting.

Your first appointment with Midwives Lelystad

Je eerste afspraak bij Verloskundige

Your first visit to Midwives Lelystad, also known as the intake interview, is an important moment to discuss your pregnancy and health. During this appointment, the following points will be discussed, among others:

  • Basic administration: such as your BSN, home address, contact details.
  • Medical History: Filling out forms and discussing your medical and family history for a personalized care plan.
  • Screening tests: We discuss the available tests and ultrasounds to support your choices.
  • Lifestyle advice: Nutrition, vitamin supplements and appropriate exercise during pregnancy.

Routine prenatal appointments

During your pregnancy you will have regular appointments with Midwives Lelystad. These checks are essential for the well-being of you and your baby:

  • Blood pressure (and, if indicated, urine tests: for early detection of pre-eclampsia.)
  • External examination: To monitor the growth of your uterus and position of your baby.
  • Blood test: To determine your blood type and iron content, but sometimes also some extra values.

Important tips for your appointments

Belangrijke Tips voor verloskundige afspraken

After your first visit you may still have questions or concerns. Here are some tips to prepare for your next appointment:

  • Write down your questions: Good preparation can help you not forget any questions.
  • Take your medical file with you: this can be on paper or digitally, so that we can answer your questions specifically. 


At Midwives Lelystad, your well-being and that of your baby comes first. Our team is here to support you with expert care and advice throughout your pregnancy. Remember, every question is important and we are always here to help you with any concerns you may have.

Start your journey with Midwives Lelystad, where caring and expertise go hand in hand.


Midwives Lelystad

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