Midwives Lelystad


hormone yoga?

Hello dear future parents! At Midwives Lelystad, from the vibrant Lelystad, we want to support you as best as possible during your pregnancy, delivery and afterwards. Today we share something special: hormone yoga, a beautiful way to naturally balance your hormones. Let's discover together what this can do for you!

Just a little more: pregnancy is a journey full of changes, and hormone yoga can be a great support – a natural boost for your body and mind.

What does hormone yoga entail?

Hormone yoga is a unique form of yoga, created by Brazilian yoga teacher Dinah Rodrigues. It is a vibrant mix of styles such as Hatha, Raja and Kundalini yoga, supplemented with breathing techniques and directing energy. The focus is on activating your hormone glands: the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, pineal gland, thyroid, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands and ovaries. By stimulating these glands, it helps to naturally strengthen your hormone production.

More info: it's an active flow - you move, breathe and direct your energy to get your body in balance. A smart way to give your hormones a boost!

Who is it for?

Hormone yoga is for every woman, young or a bit older – everyone can benefit from it! It shines especially if you have hormonal struggles. It can support you with:

  • PMS symptoms, such as mood swings or a bloated feeling
  • Menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes or sleepless nights
  • PCOS
  • An unfulfilled wish for a child
  • Restoring Your Hormonal Balance After Giving Birth

Even without complaints, hormone yoga gives you an energetic lift - you feel more vital! At Verloskundigen Lelystad we see it as a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Extra: it is broad – whether you are 20 or 50, with hormone yoga you give your body a natural boost.

What are the benefits of hormone yoga?

If you do hormone yoga regularly, you may notice:

  • Fewer PMS complaints
  • Lighter through menopause
  • More energy with PCOS
  • A fresh hormonal start after giving birth
  • Get your menstruation and ovulation going again with a desire to have children
  • Better sperm and eggs in IVF
  • An energy boost and more energy
  • Feeling stronger, healthier

More: It’s a chain reaction – your glands are switched on, and your whole body benefits. A simple way to feel good!

Hormone Yoga and Pregnancy

It's great, but beware: hormone yoga is not for pregnant women. The powerful movements and breathing can be too much - they don't fit your pregnancy. Do you still want to do yoga with a belly? Then choose pregnancy yoga - safe and gentle.

Extra: pregnancy requires rest – hormone yoga can wait until after your delivery. We will help you with an alternative!

Hormone Yoga in Lelystad

Excited? Find a certified hormone yoga teacher near you – maybe even in Lelystad! Check out the options and see if it’s your thing.

More: It’s a gift to yourself – an hour of yoga can reset your body. Try it!

Tips for your hormone balance

Apart from hormone yoga, you can also do something yourself:

  • Eat smart: Skip processed stuff, go for fresh vegetables (especially green ones!) and good fats.
  • Sleep well: A good night's sleep keeps your hormones happy.
  • Keep moving: Strength training gives your balance a lift.
  • Less stress: Relaxation is key – stress can mess with your hormones.

Extra: small steps – an apple, a walk, a moment of rest – build up to a strong body.

Midwives Lelystad: Your support

At Verloskundigen Lelystad we want to give you everything to make your pregnancy and afterwards great. Hormone yoga is a nice, natural way to balance your hormones. Questions? Call us - we think along about what suits you, from Lelystad and surroundings. Together we make your path clear and strong!

More: We are your team – hormone yoga or other questions, we are ready with personal care.


We hope you now see how hormone yoga can help you – a natural path to balance. It is not for during your pregnancy, but before and after it is a great thing. At Verloskundigen Lelystad we support you with information and tips – your health is our thing. Is there anything unclear? Let us know! And always check with your doctor or midwife before starting anything new – your body deserves that.

Stay informed!

Follow us on social media for updates and a look behind the scenes at Verloskundigen Lelystad – tips, stories and more!

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Take good care of yourself and your future little one!

With warm regards,

Midwives Lelystad
Address: Badweg 21, 8223 PA Lelystad
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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