Midwives Lelystad

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What is Adenomyosis? Midwives Lelystad

What exactly is ⁣adenomyosis⁢? Adenomyosis is a condition in which the uterine lining (endometrium) grows into the muscular wall of the uterus. This can lead to heavy periods, severe menstrual pain and a swollen abdomen. Women who deal with this often experience a lot of discomfort. Adenomyosis is often confused with endometriosis, because both conditions involve the uterine lining. However, at […]

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Uterine polyps – Obstetricians Lelystad

What exactly are uterine polyps? Uterine polyps are small, benign growths that can form on the inner wall of the uterus. They usually arise from the uterine lining and can be a few millimeters to a few centimeters in size. These polyps often occur in women who are approaching or have gone through menopause. Fortunately, they are usually harmless! Yet⁣ […]

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