We understand that you may feel anxious about brown discharge when you are pregnant. That is why we at Midwives Lelystad this information in a row - to reassure you and give you clarity. You are not the only one going through this, and together we can get through this pregnancy phase with a good feeling!
Brown discharge is pretty common, especially in the beginning of your pregnancy – about 30% of pregnant women experience it around week 5 or 6. Good to know: most of the time it’s nothing serious. Let’s dive into what it is, why it can happen, and when you should check it out with a pro. It’s often a minor thing, but we take it seriously.
What is it? Brown discharge is just old blood mixing with your normal vaginal discharge. The color ranges from light brown to a dark shade – the brown shows that the blood is not fresh, but has been around for a while.
Where could it come from?
1. Implantation:
If a fertilized egg implants in your uterus, it can cause a mini-bleed – a implantation bleeding is what it's called. It's usually less than your period and lasts for a day or two, max three. This often happens around the time you would normally get your period, about 6 to 7 weeks into your pregnancy.
2. Extra blood in your cervix:
When you are pregnant, your cervix gets more blood flow. Small blood vessels can then burst more easily - after a workout, a sneeze, a visit to the toilet or sex. It is usually not a drama, but it can cause that brown discharge.
3. Polyp:
A polyp is a harmless lump on your cervix. Pressure in your abdomen - for example when you push - can cause bleeding and brown discharge.
4. Infection:
Sometimes, but not often, it’s a vaginal infection. You should get that checked out – so call your midwife or GP if you think this is the case.
5. Mystery:
There is not always a clear reason. The blood stops by itself, and some women simply have discharge more quickly than others.
Learn more: These causes are often small discharge – your body is busy being pregnant, and this can be part of it. But it’s good to understand what’s normal and what’s not.
When should I call?
Brown discharge is usually okay, but sometimes you should contact your midwife:
- It lasts for days.
- The blood turns bright red.
- Do you have severe abdominal pain?
- You just don't feel well.
The thing is, we can’t always pinpoint why it happens – it’s just part of being pregnant sometimes. If you’re feeling great and pain-free, trust your body. But are you in your head? Call us at Midwives Lelystad – we’re here to give you peace of mind.
Extra: That red blood or pain can be a signal - not always bad, but something to check. We take you seriously, no matter how small it seems.
What can you do yourself?
You can’t really stop brown discharge – it is what it is. But listen to your body: if you feel off, take a rest. Skip heavy work or stress – keep it calm. Hygiene is important, but no soap down there – it makes it worse by throwing your balance off.
More tips: a warm bath can be nice, and drinking enough water keeps everything going. It’s not a fix, but it helps you feel good.
Brown after 6 weeks?
If you still see brown after 6 weeks, an ultrasound can provide clarity. We then check whether your baby's heart is beating - if so, then the chance of a miscarriage small. It is a comforting moment.
Extra: that echo is a look inside your belly - it shows how things really are. A beating heart is a good sign, and that gives you air.
Could it be a miscarriage?
Sometimes – unfortunately – brown stuff indicates an early miscarriage. You can’t stop it; it’s a matter of waiting to see if it stops or continues. Lots of red blood with clots and severe pain? Then the chances are higher. Little blood that goes away quickly? Then usually not.
More: It sucks, but miscarriage is common – 1 in 10 pregnancies. It’s not your fault – sometimes your body does this. We’ll support you through it.
Brown discharge during pregnancy could be anything – often something minor like implantation or a busy cervix, sometimes a polyp. In rare cases an infection or a miscarriage start. Worried? Call us at Midwives Lelystad – we will help you through it and give you peace of mind. You are not alone – we will do this together!
Just a little extra: it's normal to stress, but often it's okay. With a little info and a little support from us, you can keep it light - your pregnancy deserves that.
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Take good care of yourself and your little one!
With warm regards,
Midwives Lelystad
Address: Badweg 21, 8223 PA Lelystad
Telephone: 085 40 19 095