Midwives Lelystad

Pregnant and the sun: is it safe?

Pregnancy and sun: how do you enjoy yourself safely?

Zwangerschap en Zon tijdens zwangerschap

The sun can feel wonderful, especially during pregnancy when you may enjoy moments of relaxation and rest. However, if you are pregnant, it is important to pay extra attention to how to enjoy the sun safely. The skin is more sensitive during pregnancy and the consequences of excessive sun exposure, such as dehydration and the pregnancy mask, can be more intense. In this blog post we share essential advice on how to safely enjoy the sun during your pregnancy, whether you're at home or on holiday abroad.

The impact of the Sun during pregnancy

melasma tijdens zwangerschap

During pregnancy, your body undergoes many changes, including hormonal ones, that can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. A common phenomenon is the so-called pregnancy mask, or melasma, in which dark spots appear on the face. This risk is increased by sun exposure.

What does a pregnancy mask look like?

Pregnancy mask, also known as melasma or chloasma, is a skin condition characterized by dark, pigmented spots on the face, especially around the cheeks, nose, forehead and upper lip. These spots are caused by an increase in melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of our skin, caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy. The condition is more pronounced in women with a darker skin type, because they have more active pigment cells.

Who gets the pregnancy mask?

Not all pregnant women develop a pregnancy mask. The risk of developing melasma is influenced by genetics and skin type, with a higher prevalence among women with darker skin. In addition, sun exposure plays a significant role in the development and severity of the condition.

Will it go away after pregnancy?

In many cases, the pregnancy mask fades after delivery, when hormone levels return to normal. However, this process can take several months to a year. For some women, the pigmentation may be permanent, especially if they have not made efforts to avoid further sun exposure during pregnancy. There are treatments available to reduce melasma, including hydroquinone creams, tretinoin, corticosteroids, chemical peels and laser therapy, but these are usually only recommended after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Is pregnancy mask a risk factor for cancer?

There is no evidence that pregnancy mask is a direct risk factor for skin cancer. Melasma is a benign skin condition that mainly causes aesthetic concerns. However, general sun exposure without adequate protection does increase the risk of skin cancer, regardless of the presence of melasma. That is why it is crucial to use good sun protection, especially for more sensitive skin during pregnancy.

Prevention and care

Preventie en Zorg zon tijdens zwangerschap

The best approach to prevent and manage pregnancy mask is to maintain strict sun protection throughout pregnancy. This includes wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen, limiting time in the sun, especially during peak hours, and wearing protective clothing such as hats and sunglasses. These measures not only help prevent melasma, but also contribute to overall skin health and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Every skin is unique

Although the mask of pregnancy can be a source of concern for some women, it is important to remember that it is a temporary and treatable condition. Through careful sun protection and following your healthcare provider's recommendations, you can reduce the risk of melasma and, if necessary, manage it effectively after pregnancy. Remember that every skin is unique, and what works for one may not always work for another. Therefore, always discuss your concerns and treatment options with a dermatologist or your midwife.

Maximum duration in the sun

It is important to limit the time you spend in direct sunlight. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when UV rays are strongest. When you're outside, try not to stay unprotected in the sun for more than 15 to 20 minutes.

The importance of sunscreen

zonnebrand creme tijdens zwangerschap

Always use a sunscreen with a high protection factor (SPF 30 or higher) and reapply it every two hours, especially when swimming or sweating. Choose a sunscreen that offers both UVA and UVB protection. There are sunscreens on the market that are specially formulated for pregnant women, without harmful chemicals.

Spring sun vs. summer sun

Be aware of the difference between the spring sun and the summer sun. In the spring the sun can already be strong, while your skin is not yet used to sunlight. This makes you extra sensitive to burning. The summer sun is more intense and requires extra caution, no matter how tanned you already are.

Sunbathing on holiday

If you go on holiday, whether in the Netherlands or abroad, take extra precautions. Climate differences can cause your skin to react differently than at home. Regularly seek shade, wear protective clothing such as a hat or a lightweight long-sleeved shirt and stay hydrated by drinking enough (2 liters).

Pregnancy mask protection

To minimize the risk of developing a pregnancy mask, it is essential to properly protect your face. In addition to regularly applying sunscreen, consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat and staying in the shade whenever possible.


Enjoying the sun during pregnancy is certainly possible, provided you take the necessary precautions. By being aware of the increased sensitivity of your skin and by following the above advice, you can enjoy the sun safely. Remember that protecting your skin is not only important for your own health, but also for the health of your unborn child. A little preparation and care can ensure that you can fully enjoy the beautiful moments in the sun during this special period in your life.


Midwives Lelystad
Address: Badweg 21, 8223PA Lelystad
Telephone: 06 53 65 91 91

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