Midwives Lelystad


1st trimester of your pregnancy

The 1st Trimester of Pregnancy: A Blog by Midwives Lelystad Welcome to Midwives Lelystad! We are here to guide you through this special journey. The first trimester of your pregnancy is a time of changes and new experiences. Together we will discover what to expect and how you can best prepare yourself for […]

Verloskundigen Lelystad - Mag je vis tijdens je zwangerschap

Can you eat fish during pregnancy?

Being pregnant brings with it a lot of questions, especially when it comes to nutrition. Fish is one of those products where you have to pay close attention to which types you consume. That is why we often get the question: “Can you eat fish during pregnancy? Is it safe or not?” These questions are completely understandable, you want to […]

Verloskundigen Lelystad Placenta Increta

Placenta Increta: What You Need to Know!

All About Placenta Increta: Causes and Risks What⁢ causes placenta increta? This condition occurs when the placenta⁤ grows deeper into the uterine wall than normal,⁣sometimes reaching the muscle and outer membranes. It⁣is ⁣important to know that the exact⁣ cause is often unclear, but several factors can increase⁣the risk. […]

Verloskundigen Lelystad - Bloedverlies zwangerschap

Bleeding during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy Bleeding during pregnancy can be quite frightening. We all hope we never have to experience it, but it happens more often than you think. First and foremost, we want to reassure you: not all bleeding is a reason to panic. It is good to know that light bleeding, especially in the early stages […]

Verloskundigen Lelystad - Colostrum

Colostrum: Liquid Gold

Hello dear (expectant) mothers! Welcome to Midwives Lelystad, where we take the first steps in parenthood together with you. Have you ever heard of colostrum? This first milk, also known as 'liquid gold', is packed with good substances for your little one. But what makes colostrum really so special? In this article we take […]

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