Midwives Lelystad


Evening primrose oil

What is evening primrose oil? Evening primrose oil comes straight from the seeds of the evening primrose (Oenothera biennis), a plant that originally grows in North America. This flower, with its cheerful yellow heads that open in the evening, produces an oil packed with omega-6 fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). That GLA is a special fatty acid that your body loves […]


Letrozole and Clomid

Imagine this: you dream of having a family of your own, but getting pregnant is not that easy. That can be tough, right? Luckily, there are ways to give you a boost, such as medication that boosts your ovulation. At Verloskundigen Lelystad in Lelystad we are ready for you with warm care and clear […]



Hello to all people who want to have children! When you are busy trying to get pregnant, you probably think about a fit body, healthy meals and maybe some vitamins. But have you ever thought about osteopathy? This approach can be a great support to bring your dream of having a child closer. At Verloskundigen Lelystad in […]


cryo treatment

Hello everyone! We, the midwives of Midwives Lelystad in Lelystad, often receive curious questions about all kinds of treatments and methods. Today we put the spotlight on the cryo treatment. What does it entail, and in which situations is it useful? Let's discover it together! A little more: as midwives we want to explain everything clearly to you […]


Billing method

Hello beautiful future parents! At Verloskundigen Lelystad, located in De Koploper. we want to support you as best as possible with everything around your cycle, getting pregnant or not getting pregnant. Today we will take you through a natural approach: the Billings method. What is it, and how do you use it? In this blog we will […]


Orgasm and getting pregnant

Are you busy trying to conceive and wondering if an orgasm will help you? Or are you perhaps stuck in your head because you don’t always feel it and think that it will reduce your chances? At Verloskundigen Lelystad we understand that these kinds of questions can keep you busy. That’s why we have this […]


Ovulation Induction

Hello to all people who want to have children! If you want to get pregnant but your cycle is a bit of a mess or you are not ovulating, ovulation induction can be a great solution. At Verloskundigen Lelystad in Lelystad we understand that this is an exciting time, and we are here to support you every step of the way. […]


IVF and ICSI reimbursements

Hello expectant parents! Welcome to Midwives Lelystad, your trusted place in Lelystad. When you are expecting a baby, an exciting journey begins that sometimes raises many questions. A theme that often comes up is the reimbursement of fertility treatments such as IVF and ICSI. We understand that this can be quite a puzzle, which is why we have created this clear […]


hormone yoga?

Hello dear future parents! At Verloskundigen Lelystad, from the vibrant Lelystad, we want to support you as best as we can during your pregnancy, delivery and afterwards. Today we share something special: hormone yoga, a beautiful way to naturally balance your hormones. Let's discover together what this can do for you! Even […]


Early signs of pregnancy

Are you in that exciting time where you wonder: “Could I be pregnant?” When you think that a little one might be on the way, it seems like your body is suddenly full of signals. So much is happening inside you that it can sometimes be quite a challenge to understand what you are feeling. But no […]

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